Changed from green to white Tic-Tacs. Not liked as much.CIO resigned at work.
Mentioned Saturday show (2018-11-17).
The return of new MonroeWorld forums, and where to find recent posts.
Interrupted by phone call from wife. Asked to get groceries from the store.
The problems with the old forums and the move to Google Plus.
Tapatalk usage.
Playing Black Ops 4, Diablo III on the Switch.
Black Friday sales. Alex started a thread on the forums. Also pre-Black Friday sales.
Family Video presales – cheap Blu-Rays. Free shipping, no tax.
Honda Finance story. Easy to accidentally double pay, and the headache to get that canceled (not seen by bank, wait a few days, got a check. Total 2 weeks trying to get the money back.)
row you’re in the passenger seat with me passing your seed radio
it is what is it what the hell is today
November 19 2018
sorry I’m trying my minutes you’re on my 13 mile commute home Welcome to the show sorry I have
I hit the start button here and I’m
I had a mouthful of Tic Tac some second my
second here
yeah I got some
I chew through tick tax like they’re you know like their candy unfortunately so I’m I changed off my favorite tick tax
which are the green as spearmint once
I moved over to the white ones. The peppermint ones, and
I don’t like peppermint tea tax as much
so I don’t chew those down as fast. The those experiment was just like,
hey, the si o the CEO.
I knew I shouldn’t have gotten behind this bus. Okay. It’s going to the 17. It should be I What’s going on? Hey, now. Hey, now. Hey, now.
Hey, Justin. mazes. In my fellow departure from from work.
yeah, so, uh,
yeah, some crazy stuff happened to work. Last week, our CIO resigned like out of the blue you can
read into that however you want
but it definitely threw everything for kind of a loop there. So things are all kind of whacked out at work but you know it’s not like you know how
it is upper management changes but the drags down in the pits, we all stay the same, you know what I’m saying? So,
anyway, Hey, what’s going on everybody? How’s it going back from the weekend
short work week, right? for us. At least Justin and I we have Thursday and Friday off is part of the
the satanic ritual that we perform to trade Columbus Day for
the day
after Thanksgiving off. So that’s very exciting. Nothing like a four day week weekend. And I may try to make get Monday off as well. Turns out, I’ve got like nine days of
paid time off I need to take before the end of December. So
yeah, that’s gonna be interesting to try to get all those days in. So maybe I’ll do my best and see if I get myself a little extension.
Let’s see what else is going on. So over the weekend, not a whole lot.
I did pick up the first of all, for those of you who may have missed out. I did a Saturday. show
a quickie Saturday show to tell a little story about Game Stop and to
plug the return of them in real world forums. This
the mineral world forums
have this interesting past.
Yes. Good to have the forums back. may need a while to get going. Is there going to be a what’s new button? Happy artist?
There is there is a recent I meant I meant to put that out there is one and I don’t know why the themes. Which theme are you on? Are you on the default theme? Because I think the default theme has it.
I do Hang on a second. I’m going to say maybe I can bring it up on a device for you.
It’s either it’s either the domain name slash posts slash recent or recent posts. There is a there is a URL that brings up what’s new,
so yeah, yeah, I’ll post that somewhere so you guys can see it. But yeah,
the the forums, the forums have been gone through a couple of Rocky rocky moments in time,
the default I thought the default theme had that built into the the header somewhere. Something about new since last visit or something like that.
Hang on a second. Let me get my car into autopilot here. And I’ll take a peek here. So I’ve got that in my browser. Just second here.
One moment. Let’s see here on real
Okay, here it is. It’s been real. Slash posts. Plural, slash recent.
There you go. And real. slash posts slash recent that will get you all the recent stuff bookmarks, that that’s what I do. That’s how I get to all the new stuff. So
Sure. You want something or
George? Join some that are pre shredded or anything, or just potatoes?
Okay. Got it.
Okay, I can do it.
Okay, no problem. Do we need some more eggs? I’m not sure how many we have left.
I can do that.
No problem, baby.
Love you to talk to you soon. Bye.
Alright, so I tried to get my call. And I tried to get my call out early. But she called back anyway. Now I get to stop at the store.
Anyway. So yeah, so the mineral world forums
we had So originally, right. So originally, we had really nice forums we were using v bulletin, my favorite actually my
favorite software to date. It’s pretty pricey, though that’s not
cheap. And so then we had sort
of a an over running of unpleasant people that showed up the the, the forums degraded, and unfortunately, they went to hell in a handbasket. So we turn them off,
we brought them back on when I figured that things have quieted down a little bit. And then we got some sort of a denial of service attack, which I got kicked off my host, right. So then we stood everything back up on another host, we moved,
we move to PHP, BB, which was another really nice forum. And we get, we got a denial of service attack. And at some point time, I think we were on our third iteration, I finally just said, You know what, we’re off where we’re going to go to Google Plus, because that’s when it first came out. And we’re gonna leave the forum business since no one
can seem to behave. And I can’t, I can’t be dropping hosts every two seconds. So this time around,
we decided to host the forums on a paid service. Alex and I are running that so now it’s on a pay service where hopefully they’re all prepared against denial of service attacks. And anything goes wrong. I don’t have to worry about my host going down so that’s sort of the the tawdry background
now I’m hoping Now listen, I’ve got database backups of all the forum stuff. And someday maybe I’ll figure out a way to dust them off. And
because we had some really, really good topics and threads going on. I remember we had a PlayStation thread that was fantastic.
But hey, you know what a new fresh start, right? Everything’s everything old is new. And everything new is old. So or something like that,
whatever. So I’m very excited. So I’ve been trying to post there as much as I can. I’ve been taking a break. I pretty much left Google Plus a few of you are still hanging out there. I pretty much abandoned man. I mean, they’re closing it down with any year. So it’s like, I’m not giving them any more of my content and Twitter’s just a shithole service anyway. So I mean, it’s got its moments and I was using in read it was okay. But I didn’t like that format. So you know what,
off we go. So back to the forums, US 40 something people I think, tend to like the forums more anyway.
And I do want to make sure since I know a lot of you didn’t hear Saturday show, cuz I’m sort of off kilter. But
the forum is supported. It is supported by Tampa talk, which is a discussion group based application for your mobile device.
I know for a fact there’s an android version. I don’t know about iOS, maybe somebody who does have iOS can confirm or deny that but Tampa talk my biggest complaint about forums and we’re social media was great
was that I could easily share from my phone, right. I’m on I mean some newsgroup reader or
some news reader or whatever and I just want to hit the share button I want to send it straight to the forums
couldn’t do that
up until recently, not effectively anyway, but with these new pro boards that were using along with Tampa talk, I could not get the non pro version to work so I actually had to I actually own Tampa talk from the past so I had to get the pro version which I think it’s like three or four bucks or something that for some reason the free version wasn’t working and kept telling me that the token was you know the token was incorrect or some nonsense like that but the pro version worked fine
So yeah, and so now I can share directly to the forums and I see some of you have figured that out already you have also shared directly to the forums which is great and I gotta figure out a way to suppress that sent from my Samsung S nine nonsense i don’t
i don’t like auto inserted tag lines
so Anyway, enough of
the talking about the forums go listen to the Saturday show I did join in the fun with Diablo three on the switch. I know I was holding out
but I wanted to pick up a used copy and I have a whole great story about
how I acquired that on on Saturday show. So go back and listen to that I’m not going to recover too much old ground here.
Let’s see what else is going
So I’ve been playing a lot of black ops four still I got through like a good portion of act two on Diablo over the weekend on the switch.
What else what else I do over the weekend that much be honest with you. I just.
I just chilled, chill, chill, chill.
Black Friday sales have started. Alex has already started a black Friday’s deal thread on the forums. So if you have any cool things to add to that, by all means. I know. I know. We all have endless supply of news and whatnot. It’s pretty easy to go out and find all the Black Friday deals. But
it’s nice if somebody
already kind of vetted it out and found the code for you. And it’s still valid
and they’re doing all sorts of weird crap this year. Now there’s like pre Black Friday deals Black Friday deal preview,
you know,
it’s, it’s all crazy. So a couple of things. I’ve already jumped on
fanatical, which I can’t remember who they used to be there like a humble bundle sort of thing.
Anyway, they’ve got a pretty nice they got like 1500 games on sale. A couple of nice VR games to for those of you who are in the market. I think super hot was on there. And Batman v ours on there for a couple of some good pricing on that. No beat saber. Unfortunately, that’s Alex and I are holding out trying to find a good deal on that. I’ll cave at Christmas time. So I’m hoping to find a deal on beat saber before then, if
not, I’ll pay the 20 bucks because it’s beat saber. And
that’s what I want my new VR headset to be giving me
lots of other deals. Of course,
both Xbox One S and PlayStation fours with software is going for
199 bucks. Hey, speaking of Alex. And there Yes. Because name we speak your name.
So Alex has been priming the pump for the Black Friday deals. I’ve added a couple myself. Let me see here. What else they get it on
there. Oh. So family video. I’ve talked about family video here before family video has a boatload of pre pre sales going on. They got a ton of $5 blu rays, five, six and $7 blu rays. Just to give you an example, I picked up full seasons of homeland and American Horror Story. I think I picked up season two and four of American Horror Story for six bucks a piece on blu ray and I picked up season three homeland on blu ray for six bucks.
And then one or two blu ray movies for five bucks apiece. So lots of good stuff in there. So check that out. They’ve got a really good sale going on free shipping,
no tax, you know, hard to go wrong.
I spent 48 bucks and got a boatload of stuff. So very, very exciting.
Let’s see, I tell my thanks to my Honda finance story. annoying little bastards.
So let me tell you this, because I finally sort of had a resolution, I wanted the full story.
So if you’re like two minutes late, making a payment on most of these online websites, especially
like auto finance, or whatever,
they will immediately claim that your balance do is what you were do two minutes ago, which is, you know, $450 and your next payment is do have another 40
or $50. So it tells you that your amount do right now is 900 bucks, right? Just give me an example.
Now, if you’re in a hurry, and you’re paying your bills, right, and you’re two minutes late, getting to your car payment,
if you blow through the checkout process, or the payment process. It’s very, very easy to accidentally double pay, right. So instead of paying the $450, you are planning to pay all the sudden you paid 900. And and because if it’s the right time of the day, right, you can’t stop it. And the most of the time, it will queue your payment up. And you got like 12 hours to cancel it or whatever. And then then it was the right time of the day, the right time in the week, your payment goes right on through. There’s no holding back. You can’t kill the process. And now you’ve got a call.
So after hopping through 100 voicemails,
or a voice message or a voice menus, blah, blah, blah, I get to somebody
and they’re like, Oh, yeah, yeah, we see your payment went through, but we can’t stop and it already it already went to your bank.
I’m like, Okay, so what are we going to do here?
And they’re like, Okay, so here’s what we can do.
I can stop, I can stop the payment in our system, right?
They will call your bank. Okay. And then we will get them to reverse the charges.
Okay. And I’m like, and so
so then we get ahold of the bank. Meanwhile, meanwhile, they’ve cancelled my payment if cancel my payment. So I’ll level with you.
I got a $600 a month car payment, right? seems crazy. But it’s, it’s a big, it’s, you know, brand new car.
So 600 bucks a month. So now I’ve paid 1200 dollars in change.
Right? for for for a one month car payment.
So it’s already off to my bank. I can’t see it. I can’t see it on my bank account yet, but they can’t see it in their system. They say it’s already gone.
So I’m like, Okay, well, go ahead and cancel that. And then we can call the bank and they’ll and they, you know, they basically said they can stop the payment. Great. Okay, cool.
reverse it to my account. And I’m like, Okay, great. And she’s like, Okay, well, while you’re while we’re waiting, you might want to hop on the website and go ahead and make your standards $600 payment that way, you’re all caught up and there’s no delays or anything like that. Am I okay, well, you know, we’re finishing the situation. So at this point, I made 1800 bucks into this into this transaction.
Get ahold of the bank, right. So I’m on the phone with the bank and
Honda financial person three way call gigging.
The banks like Oh, we don’t see it.
And Han is like well I’ve got a confirmation number saying you accepted it in the bank’s like, you know, and it’s you could tell us like this gregarious black women
were sick, I don’t see it over here.
I’m sorry. That might be a little racist sounding. But that’s what she said it like on the phone?
Why don’t you call back in a couple of days, and we’ll see if the post and I’m like, wait, wait, wait, wait a couple of days. Where’s my money? That’s 1200 bucks. Actually, 1800 bucks already paid another payment. And it’s like, well, you know, the a CH the automatic clearing house, whatever the hell it is. A ch whatever that means.
Yeah, yeah, that doesn’t post until maybe midnight tomorrow.
And then we can reverse it.
I’m like, Okay, so, so so.
So one is like, we will call you back. But we’ll give you a call. And we’ll three way back with the bank. And a couple of days. I’m like, shit, I’m not 1200 bucks. So a couple days later, I call back. They didn’t call me Of course, I call back.
And so now we’re back for three way with the bank again, right? And the banks like, okay, we’re gonna go ahead and cancel that, right. So instead of the money returning to my account, it goes back to haunt them. What it’s like, wait a minute. Wait, wait, wait, it hit my bank, but my bank can’t just flip it over. Put it right back in my account. No sugar, so he’s gonna go back, honey. Okay, we didn’t get I didn’t get the black woman the
second time around. But I’m trying to bring a bit here. Okay.
so I’m like, Oh, so what does that mean?
and Han is like, Well, you know, as soon as we see as soon as we get a confirmation back, we’ll go ahead and refund your cash. I’m like, well, what’s that going to be? So it should be sometime today like Jesus Christ. Okay, fine. I’ll call you back later.
Of course, there were supposed to call me back with it and coming back.
So I call them back again. It’s like, Oh, yeah, yeah, we got this right. And I’m like, okay, so you can just throw it right back into my bank, right? I mean, this is 1200 bucks I got I got mortgage do here are like, Oh, no, no, no, no, we’re gonna cut you a check.
Like a check.
But what is this 1997? Wait. So you, you you took it directly from my bank account, my bank account gave it directly back to you digitally. Now, you’re telling me I’ve gotta wait for you to cut a fucking paper chat.
It’s like, Oh, you know, we’ll, we’ll do it as fast as we can have, like, what does that mean? A day? Two days? Are you going to overnight? It’s me as 1200 bucks. And like, well, we’ll give you a call when we get the chat processed yet, because you’ve gotten back to me so many times you asked has, so a couple of days go by. I’ve heard nothing from Honda finance. I call them back.
And they’re like, Oh, well, it’s in for processing from like, Wednesday. Going to get here. And like what you know, just give it a couple days. Give it a couple of days. Give it a couple of days. me while I’m out. 1200 bucks. You know, I’m saying. So finally. I mean, this is done on for a week. I got no money.
So finally, finally, I get ahold of somebody
a couple days later. And they’re like, Well, you know, we price it went out on Thursday. I’m like, Dude, it’s Wednesday. It doesn’t take a week for a check to get here in the mail. Like, well, you know, if you don’t have it by Friday, go ahead and give us a call. And we’ll cancel the check and send you another one. I’m like, Oh, Jesus. Another two weeks to wait. Where’s my money? The bitch better have my money. Not some not have. But all of my cash.
So finally, Thursday comes around. And I still have not received I saw I pulled the mail in on Thursday. And I’m like, practically living. No check.
I’m like, you dirty, dirty Bernie’s.
Well, in their defense, it turns out, my wife had picked up the mail on Wednesday and had the checks stuffed in her bag full of with all the other junk man.
So the check finally showed up last. I got it last Friday. And now I’m like, how am I gonna get to the bank to get this it? Well, I know that some banks allow mobile checking deposits. Now.
I’ve never done this before. So it’s kind of fun.
I get to try something new. I don’t Chase Bank tends to to innovate with this stuff. Right? And I know Chase Bank has had burner cards and they’ve got this mobile deposits and all this other stuff. Well, it turns out that Wells Fargo does have mobile deposits. And this is really cool for I mean, I know I’m probably the last person to the fucking party. And who uses checks anymore, right? So in case in case you’re late to the party like me, you can literally take a check sign the back of it take a picture of the front and back and it sends it right through the mobile app into the bank and within six hours it was credited my account no tricks in the bank. no nonsense right into the account.
It was great. I even had a refund check from Earnhardt Honda did it come back for some overpaid it on some, some some dog, you know, some doc tags, you know, your Department of Motor Vehicle tags, so they give me a refund. I
had a $20,000 check that was sitting on my desk. You know how it is for 21 bucks Are you really going to hire asked to the bank and sit in the line. Or even worse yet, go to an ATM a try to make a deposit. But hey, snap, one. Snap to Bing, bang, boom. You’re back at the moment. So that was pretty cool. But still, it sucks being out 1200 bucks for like two weeks. I
mean, it’s it makes you crazy. I don’t care what stage in life you are. 1200 bucks
dangling around for a couple of weeks. Makes you mental.
A mental anyway.
So that was that story that that kind of, you know, came to an ending on Friday. Finally,
let’s see. So what else has been going on? I had some
other stories or, you know, I kept meaning to write something into my
into my keep list. I kept some good stuff I
Oh, I got a couple things to share. So,
so I’ve talked a lot.
Listen, I’m a huge fan of the Commodore 64, right? You guys know, I’m a huge fan. I got the see 64 Mini I’ve been talking about it.
And so one of the things that you know,
Alex has a big fan of see 64 music too. And, and he and I have been talking about that on the forums, the see 64 many. And Alex pointed out that there’s some some audio issues with it. I found a couple of audio issues with it. So he and I sort of rekindled our love over
64 music
Well, I was 1164. I’ve
been on there a lot more recently, since I’ve been plugging that see 64 Mini configuration file tool that I wrote for the web.
Whoa, whoa, what are we doing here? People can’t just stop here.
Oh, what the hell must be an accident or something apparent was rear ended this guy cuz nobody stops like, right here is getting off the freeway.
Anyway. So.
Yeah, so Commodore 64, of course, for those of you may be maybe you weren’t a Commodore 64 person. But
the Commodore 64 had the most amazing and unusual sound system. They had essentially a synthesizer on a chip called the sim chip sound interface device if I remember right, but it was very, very cool. It gave the Commodore 64 completely distinct sound. And one of the things that came out of the early days of the Commodore 64 was this tool called city editor. Right. And city editor was a $15 program that you bought from computers that magazine from a guy named Craig Chamberlain. And he created this tool. Now listen, up until recently, I never I hadn’t really well, I did one time I looked at said editor, but I didn’t remember it.
Tom Munch and I were actually trying to put some song in there. We couldn’t figure it out. But you know, we were in our teens it was more interesting to go back and look at sit and sit editor later.
But anyway, so sit editor was this amazingly amazingly complex music editor for the Commodore 64 the files that it’s saved dot m us files were playable by a free tool called sin player. Now, I know there’s simpler for Windows, but it’s not the same thing. Sit player on the
produced a two level synthesize graphical synthesizer and you could actually see the notes being played. It was a really neat experience. And I’ve done tons of videos and I’ve done you know, stuff in emulation for it,
but there’s just nothing quite like revisiting, you know, Sid music using this particular player. Now, a lot of people the high voltage said collection is the definitive echo de facto
music collector action for the Commodore 64
lots of video game music, lots of pretentious stuff in there,
you know Ron Hubbard yet listen Ron Hubbard rather not Ron Ron Hubbard. There’s a lot of great musicians on the Commodore 64
me personally, I grew up in the quantum link days before I became AOL Quantum Leap was amazing there were huge bunch of talented people on quantum link there was we’re making music that would eventually become the computer is that Sid music collection now years and years and years ago I found a whole archive of them online I downloaded them all
and every time I have some new see 64 emulation on raspberry pi c 64 Mini I break these things out and I play them again and I’m you know I have been established to pour over
well I ran across something on Lemmon 64 that I’ve missed something called Get this called Deep Sid
deep said and I posted this to the forum so you don’t have I don’t remember the address.
But if you search for deeptech I bet you find it sad deep said anyway, this is a web based application that allows you to transparently access not only the high voltage sin collection but also the complete compute Gazette library of music all in a very simple to use web interface. And And And finally, because there’s tons of there’s tons of said players folks you can find you can kick over a garbage can and it said player falls out of it. But for me not being able to see the the keys being pressed as the song played really kind of ruins the experience. I love the music. But I love watching those keys being played tip. And so this particular deep said application on the web allows you to play back this music with a whole bunch of different types of emulators. This is also kind of cool because there are different Sid emulators out there. So there are some that are highly accurate but require a lot more processing time there are some that are more accurate for certain types of said music. all true.
The same chip is a very complex synthesizer chip, what can I tell you
Yeah, it’s a deep said that
I can’t I can’t read that my phone’s bouncing all over the place. But it’s in the chat. So
if if you hop over to Springer
calm if you’re listening to this on a replay the chat here has has the link to it’s also on the mineral world forums now.
But it’s fantastic. It is so great to go back
and be able to have all of that at your fingertips on the web. It’s awesome. I just wanted to share that because I’m a huge fan of that. And it’s just another great way to enjoy it. And I can’t believe it’s you know, this has been posted forever. And I’m just now figuring out that it’s there so Internet’s great wonderful magical place What can I tell you
let’s see here what else my god
TV not much going on their movies not really
oh I’m DVD fab is having its sale right now to
you can take you can get a pretty good discount. I mean it’s nothing fantastic. But it’s a good discount if you’re looking to pick up any of DVD fab stuff, you know I’m a big fan
they have this little capsule simulator. So you go and you bring up the page and you click this button and a little capsule pops out and it gives you some sort of a discount it’s fun I mean you can continue to do it if you keep opening new windows excuse me
new incognito windows are opening new browsers
so you can actually keep doing until you hit the 35 35%
discount which I believe is the maximum discount that you can get
so we’ve got some nice deals the Black Friday type stuff I mean there’s always a deal going on there
but if you’re looking to pick up one more module or something like that for your DVD fab collection then that’s pretty cool
huh Let me see here trying to think I know I’ve got something else to talk about
oh new medium article new medium article of course I gotta get my media min I’ve been I’ve been encouraged to write lately. So my newest article discusses about what loot boxes are actually causing costing we the gamers and it’s not what you think it is. And I finally sort of put everything together it all it all sort of brain dead easy. I mean, it’s all dust stuff, right? But in reality Listen,
it’s all in the article. I mean, I don’t want to ruin a bit. Essentially,
loot boxes are the downfall
of the single single player game model. If you want to understand the logic behind that and all of my breakdowns. I’ve checked it out on medium comm slash at dark uni. I also posted on the mineral world forums as well.
It kind of sucks because, you know, the freemium model, I’m pulling into Albertsons here, so I’ve only got a minute the freemium model sells us battle passes and loot boxes. That’s how they make money. 1% 1%
on average of a freemium game is is the are the people that pay for the whole game, right, so 99% of the pod displays the game for free 1% pay hundreds and hundreds of dollars. And that’s how these games are funded. And they’re making money hand over fist. I couldn’t believe that Blizzard Blizzard made $4 billion in in game transactions last year, 4 billion with a beat and you wonder why every game on the plan is turning to this model,
Black Ops four bad in a battle pass, you know palette. It’s all these games have battle passes. They have loot boxes, or some variation of it. And here’s the thing. So we also well, who cares about the loot boxes, there’s only cosmetics in there anyway. It doesn’t affect the game. I’m not going to pay any money. I’m not part of the problem. I’m not the one that’s causing the loot box model and the freemium model and take over gaming. That’s not my fault. I’m not spending any money. I’m playing the game for free. I’m gaming the system I am I’m winning. Here’s the problem. And I lay this all out and I got numbers to show
it’s all about vanity. Right? The only reason that people actually pay money for cosmetics is because there’s fuckers looking at them, right? If in a single player game if they sold you cosmetics, you wouldn’t buy him right? Why would you have loot boxes in a single player game? Why would you have loot boxes that are only cosmetic Of course, why would you evaluate the items in a single player game there’s nobody there to look at you. So they are they are cashing in on the millennials Look at me model. And in order to make vanity items work you have to make you have wide deep penetration gigabytes of the largest audience possible. How do you do that? You give the game away for free. So you give the game away knowing full well that by introducing vanity items and battle passes, which
give you more vanity items
that you can ensure
that enough people adopt the game because that’s where it’s up. That’s what it’s all about. You have to have mass adoption to get the vanity audience so that you could turn cash on these loot boxes, right? And guess what? How do you get a lot you again, you cannot use vanity as a money maker in a single player game. Right. So now everything is going multiplayer. Look at Fallout 76. Look at Black Ops four right. Everything points to no more single player gaming. We’re going to make everything multiplayer so that we can shove vanity items out there so that people have somebody to show off their vein. The items to its kind of fucking
depressing when you think about where gaming might be going.
Look at Mobile. mobile’s gone almost completely away from paid gaming applications because nobody’s buying them. Even the great Nintendo went free to play. It’s disgusting. Anyway, I’m at the store. I’m going to get out of here. I hope you enjoyed the show. This is Shane arm and row pastors the radio we’ll see you next time. Take care, everybody.