Hello, everybody, this is Shane R. Monroe, you’re in the passenger seat with me passenger seat radio. It is, what is it? It’s Wednesday, July 15 2020. And we’re parked firmly here in my driveway. Welcome to the show. Yes. You know, many people have asked, it seems like the show has been. It’s been less show lately, and that is actually probably pretty true. You know, part of what makes passenger seat radio so attractive is that it’s completely unplanned and unproduced, I do make a list of things that I think are interesting, but I mean, it’s not very produced. You know, I like that. I’d be able to just get in the car on the way home or on the way to work, and just throw it on and talk but now it’s sort of like making an appointment. So now I’ve got to actually haul my ass out to the car. My car says 124 degrees outside, it’s probably lying just a little bit, but probably not that far off. So I had to come out here, start the car, get the car all cooled off. So now it’s an event. Yeah, now, it’s a little harder to get my ass out here for an event. So if you see a lack of shows, and the Oh, the other thing, too is, is that there’s not a ton of stuff going on. I mean, I mean, we could talk about the same old crap we could talk about, you know, Corona, we could talk about being isolated. We could talk about people being dumb and not wearing masks. I mean, we could talk about all that stuff. Sorry, I’m finishing out a piece of watermelon I brought out here. Um, but we’re, I mean, there’s just, we’re not falling over with topics here. But I do have a few things that I put together. I thought everybody might like to talk about. So let’s see. I have completed my first four Mystery loot crates Hey now tech masters in I finished my first four loot crates those are all we all of them are done in the can so we don’t have any that haven’t been produced yet. And so all four of them each one are about an hour long. For those of you who are not familiar with my what’s in Shane’s shed mystery loot box edition. Essentially I go and I grab a box of stored crap from in my shed, I bring it into the house, and I dusted off and we we we dig it together my son does a does the videotaping if you will does the recording, access my cameraman and I unpack the boxes and hey, there’s Chad and I find some interesting stuff. I find some trash I find a buttload of cables and some of them but it’s it’s really the stories that I can tell based on the items that are in there. And every now and then we come across some Really neat. So, that being the case, I’ve got four of those, you got like four hours of entertainment that you can watch on YouTube. And one of the one of my regular listeners said, Hey, you should just just take the audio off of those and throw them up as a passenger seat radio, and it’s like, you know, I could do that. I could, I could upload the for the four of them. But really, you know, there’s a lot of work that goes into these videos. And I know it doesn’t seem like it when you’re looking at it. But every video and I’ve done more and more, as you can see, if you watch the order of progression, if you watch crate 102 and three in that order. One was the first one I uploaded. It was actually the second one that I recorded so it feels out of sequence. So I uploaded the first one is crate zero. We’re using programmer array indexes here. And so if you watch them progressively the progressively I get a little more and more complex with the overlays. In some cases, I do some some cutaways in some cases I do I got pictures of my grandma in there. I mean, I really am. In some cases, it’s hard as hell to actually find something useful. So I’ll do inset video to show you how something works. It’s, it seems really, it seems like nothing but even though I don’t over produce the thing, it still takes a lot of time. And what’s more, and I found out this the hard way with the first video that we did my camera so we shot it all off my Samsung S 10 camera. And it looks pretty good. I mean, the video looks pretty good being shot off a mobile device, which I swore I would never do. But unfortunately my mobile device is now better than my point and shoot overall for quality. So there you go. It’s time to get a new video camera. I think but It shoots it in a it shoots it in an mp4. But the encoding or something about that video is not super edit friendly. And I know most mp4 is not an A video editing format, right? I mean mp4 is a final version presentation format, you don’t typically edit mp4 and you don’t really want to because of the nature of the the compression and the deltas and all that. So what I had to do was so and the camera only shoots four gig shots at a time. So for a one hour show, or an hour and 10 minutes show, I can have two or three files. For you know, four gigs, four gigs, and 250. Meg’s right. So you got to join all those together, no big deal. And then convert them all into something that edits easy. Hey now Javier. Oh my goodness, can I just Talk about you’re scared, or should we not talk about that? Would you rather I didn’t talk about that. It’d be an interesting story. I’ll let you have Hey, Brian holds here. So anyway, so I found out that trying to edit the mp4 is actually like, forget about it. So then I converted all over to essentially uncompressed Abi, which is that makes the episode about 17 and a half gigabytes, right. I’ll tell you about Javier in a minute. So now 17 gigs, I bring it in. I do all the overlays. I do all the text. I do all the text stuff. I do the lower thirds. I add all the video I have to find the video clips, right. So I find so I go to YouTube, I find a video clip. And it’s never usable as is. I run it through wonder shares unique converter to download and convert it into an API at the same time. So I download and convert and that I bring that into the timeline in chorale Video Studio. And then I got a, I got to find the starting and stop points and fade in fade out. Oftentimes I have to trim stuff out because the video doesn’t show what I want. So I have to clip all the crap out of them in between. So I just want to see the product and how it works. And so the next thing you know, it’s like it takes forever. And then so then you produce it into the final video format. Well, even with hardware compression, 17 gigabytes, moving that to an mp4, through chorale Video Studio, and by the way, I took a shot at it with Adobe Premiere as well. And it wasn’t any faster. It takes like three hours to compress it down to an mp4. Right. And if anything’s wrong with it, heaven forbid you got to compress it a second time. So then I compress it. I usually put that on before I go to bed and then when it’s ready in the morning, I’ll then play the video that I’ll started uploading to YouTube, which takes two and a half To upload to YouTube, because it’s 17 gigs, it’s still 17 gigs, because it’s, I mean, it’s huge. I don’t know why maybe it wasn’t 17 gigs, it was big enough that it takes forever. So I upload it to YouTube. And while it’s doesn’t two hour upload, I’ve got the video playing on, you know, two x or 1.75, X and VLC. And I’m just making sure that I didn’t act, I made one mistake in one of the videos. And the inset picture isn’t in the bottom right, it’s right over my face. And I saw that and I’m like, you know what, unless there’s another problem. I’m not re encoding this thing, you can forget about it. And so I didn’t, and I released it that way, no one will probably even notice. But anyway, so I’ve done four of those. The first one literally took like, four days, because of all the compressing and decompressing. Oh, and then the video one time when I was composing the original video, one of the video clips I was using, of course towards the end, would kill the ENCODE about two and a half hours into the encoding. I would just get this right In an error that says the video cannot be processed or something, I’m like son of a bitch, how long is going to take me to get this first damn video out. So it really took a lot of steam out of my stride right? It’s like God, I don’t want to do any more of these. Meanwhile, I got like 10 more boxes today. So anyway, so that’s. So I finally got the fourth one of those out. And of course, it’s gotten easier. I’ve got a rhythm, I’ve got a pattern, I know what I want to do. And for those of you who’ve seen all four of the boxes, you know that the fourth set definitely has more post production than say the first one does. I’m pretty proud I got some nice little I got some nice little cutaway type stuff in that one. So hopefully you guys are enjoying those. So I probably will not dump them into mp3. I did do it for one of my listeners. And so I gave him mp3 of all of them and do whatever you want with them. But I’m not sure how much value they would be to shove in here. So, before I talk about Javier since he’s here and he’s willing to He’s wanting to chat. The tool that I’ve been using a lot lately is this, this wondershare unique converter, it used to be called video, it used to be called wondershare video, ultimate Video Converter or something like that. And right now it’s on sale and I posted a link somewhere I can’t remember where it’s on sale for like 39 bucks, which is about $30 off. And that’s for a lifetime license. And a lot of people have some video tools that they like, like I use DVD fab all the time, but I typically don’t fire up DVD fab, unless, unless I’m actually unless I’m actually ripping a disc to it. I won’t use it for video conversion typically, I would rather use something else and so this this wondershare Unit Converter does like everything you might want it to do. It’ll split videos, it’ll join videos and convert to all types, audio or video to audio It’s got a built in screen recorder. It’s got a youtube downloader. It’s got a Metadata Editor for video files. What else is it got? It’s got, it’s just got as loads of stuff. It’s even got like a quick DVD burner, right? If you just want to throw some files together, so it’s kind of a, it’s a jack of all trades type app. But for me doing these crates, I mean, that program, and I were locked at the frickin hip downloading off of YouTube, converting the API, you know, joining the crate videos, so that’s on sale, and that doesn’t happen very often. So I thought I actually have a line item here to talk about it. So that’s wonder shares, unique converter. Great tool, great tool. It’s usually a little pricey, which is why I don’t talk about it a lot. But listen, you know, that kind of software and they just released a version 12. So if you already own wondershare and you got like, 11 point 6.4 I think was the last one for some reason the update, notice notifications not popping up, I got an email. But I did a manual check for updates and it pops up and it’s got a nice clean new interface. I don’t know how many new features there are, but it’s a free upgrade. So if you already own it, you get that for free. Otherwise, I think to celebrate their new version, that’s why it’s on sale. So some of you have reached out to me. Oh, wait, this is a good segue piece. So a lot of you have reached out to me and asked me about Andrew, our handyman, because as you know, one of the more recent shows, I had some work done in my house and a guy came in and just before he finished, he called in and was essentially out for a week being sick. And of course, that freaked freaked a lot of people out does he got Corona, are you gonna get Corona? You just don’t know, man. You just don’t know. Well, we’re a couple of weeks out yet. He is not Corona bound. I am not Corona bound. Nobody in the family’s Corona bound. So that’s good. That’s good to know. So speaking of the rownum Javier here, friend of the show friend of mine personally, he was recently had his own little perona scare. And I’ll tell you what, I don’t know anybody with Corona. I don’t know. I don’t really know many personally that has Corona. And I’ve never had a real good scare other than, you know, this Andrew thing. And so, when Javi said that he’s on his way to a testing facility, because he never gets sick and now he’s got symptoms that feel like Rona. I was like, holy shit you know it kind of becomes realistic I it’s real we all know this it’s not it’s not make believe it’s not some weird conspiracy theory. This is the real deal. But like until somebody knows got it. Now listen, I’m doing I’m playing by the rules. I’m sheltering in place. I’m wearing the damn mask. You know, I’m scared shitless about my family going back to school. I’m with and I’m with it, but until somebody you know Would you care about like, like, like, has a scare? It kind of isn’t real. It’s not completely real, I guess. And so poor Javier. You know, he’s you know, he’s on his way. I mean he so first off, he has to kind of make that call. And we’ve all had it. I mean, I get allergies If I don’t take my allergy pill or whatever and I’m like, you know, I wake up in the morning I kind of feel like oh god is this it? I got it. I finally have it because I’m gonna get it. It’s gonna happen. But do I got it now? Is this it? And so you think about it all day. And then as the day moves on, you start feeling better. It’s like I guess that wasn’t it. But you know, he like had to wait until like 6pm he had to make an appointment to go to like almost like a drive thru clinic. So he had to wait like all day and I’m thinking oh my god, can you imagine what that is? having, you know, basically having to come to grips with Yes, I might have it. I owe it to my family and everybody I know, my job my co workers because he’s he’s a field guy. So he’s got to run And around his customers, he has to go get tested. I mean, some of us can just sit at home and say, Yeah, well I get it, I get it. You know, he’s got to be tested and I think do what kind of shit is that like to be sitting at home all day long, having committed yourself to the idea you might have it and then having to wait till you know six o’clock that night to go in and be tested. Now fortunately, I think Javi only had to wait like 30 or 40 minutes for the results something like that. But you imagine First of all, you have to go in and then you get the you get brain rape, as it was called hobby said was very unpleasant. I thought it was like a mouth swab, but maybe he can elaborate in the chat. But then he sat in his car. Okay, easy. For those of you who are listening live or looking on here is um, he was sure that he had it. That’s what he says he was sure he had it to 30 minute test, he says and yeah, so we were like, I was like right there. So we have this sort of group chat on hangouts there’s a handful of us my really close friends. We all kind of sit in there you know we bullshit and talk politics until we kick until people. Well, it’s a poker up your nose. Dude. That’s crazy. That’s like that’s like that is my that is mine those two that’s my head. Get your ass to Mars. It stabs your brain. Holy shit, dude now I definitely don’t want to go in there. Oh man, huh. Anyway, Javier is giving us the breakdown in the chat for those of you who are not listening live Shame on you should be listening live. All this fun stuff. But yeah, you had it within like 30 minutes, right? A few tests though. There’s a few different tests out there. Yeah. And nutty. But anyway, so we’re all sitting here like hunched over in our Hangouts chat. Like, you know, good. Got it or what, right? I mean, we’re all kind of freaked out. I mean, nobody. I mean, critically, my My friend Chris, you know he’s around all the times he works at a hospital. He works at a you know someplace where he’s seen these people, but I haven’t seen it. I don’t know anybody with it. I don’t know anybody who’s got it. And Javier is of course turned out negative otherwise we’d be having probably a different discussion here. Hey, Bruce, what’s up Bruce Willis. Oh, so yeah, but I mean, that was like the first person I was kind of, you know, kind of close to it’s like, had a scare. It’s nany it’s this crazy shit. Well, thank you for letting me share that hobby. I was this nutty, crazy stuff. So I guess we’re on the we are on the corona topic here. I do have at least one more item. This student’s going back to school in the fall. I’m at a loss for words here. You know, we got the frickin secretary of education with no plan, screaming how kids are going back to school. We’ve got our president telling us he’s going to withdraw whatever Funding he can for schools refused to open full time. You know, you’ve got my governor every piece of leadership that’s running around. You’ve got most of the the governor of Alabama the governor of Alabama said said quote, teachers can kiss my ass. This is the leadership we have. These are the people in charge. These are the people that were expecting to do the right thing. Teachers can kiss my ass. You know what you kiss my ass. I hope you get voted out. You know, it’s, it blows me away. You got teachers lining up. Nine out of 10 teachers say we can’t wait to get back into our classrooms but we can’t do it right now. It’s Listen, Arizona, I think either Texas or Arizona number one hotbed of Corona. There shouldn’t be any question in anybody’s mind. No question anywhere. Our kids are not going back to school, not one day a week. Not three days a week, not five days a week, no days a week. None. How do you get those kids there? You got bus trivia, transportation you’ve got you’ve gotten feeding time you’ve got people, you know, these teachers are breaking it down. item for item how it’s not going to work. This can’t work. There is no way it can work. Nothing. There’s no way this that, you know, the CDC guidelines say six feet. You know what they did? That you said that let’s make it three feet that won’t get everybody in the classroom? What? So you just modify the guidelines because somebody told you you can’t get 41 Kids shoved into classrooms six feet apart. Well, shit. What about three feet? Can we do three feet? Yeah, kids are germ spreaders. Yeah, well, the kids aren’t the carriers, dude. Really. I mean, oh, my God, this show on this very show. There was a point in time where my kids were going to one school district. My wife was teaching in another school district and my son was in danger. Care. It was the black fucking plague in my house. You know? And, and these teachers, you know, we’ve got high school teachers, we’ve got preschool teachers, we’ve got all these teachers, and they’re basically laying the day out for you. This is what we’ll be doing. And it’s it’s a mess. I mean, it’s just I am totally befuddled. I can’t comprehend. I don’t know who’s calling me to go away. Orange County and La said that we’re going to have full classrooms and no masks. Yeah, okay. You go right on head. I’m telling you. You know, this is I don’t even know where to begin. I’m so sick of it. I’m so sick of people have no skin in the game. They don’t have kids in school. They don’t go to school. They’re not teachers. Meanwhile, all they’re doing is saying, fuck it, make it work. Your kit, the kit. We’re putting the kids in there you make it work. That’s your Problem. Like what? And what if there’s an outbreak? What’s the containment policy? Uh huh. local minima municipals can figure it out on their own. What? This is our leadership and this is this goes from this goes from the bottom to the top and I’m like, Oh my god, I’m gonna die. New Hampshire figured it out. No one’s going back to school this year. I mean, no one’s going in person to school, New Hampshire figured it out. Texas Hobie. Arizona State. They’ve got to figure it out. They’re, you know, they’re not going for the fall semester. It sounds like in person for sure. Right. It’s just, I’m stunned. You know, it’s like, well, the kids, the kids don’t have a problem. What about the educators? What about the bus drivers and the custodians, and all the people? Your kid only has to go to school one day a week. My wife’s got to go five. Yeah, this is Heaven’s Gate shit, right? This is Jim Jones Heaven’s Gate shit. And you know what they did? Do you know what they did? I’m going to give you a little lesson about Jim Jones in heaven’s gate because a lot of you listeners maybe not don’t remember the Jim Jones and have Gay. Do you know how our buddy Jim Jones got people to go through with the mass suicide? Right? Cuz that’s what it was right? Long story short, charismatic guy made a church took all of his church constituents gathered a whole flock went to some island in the middle of nowhere. got everybody together. He puts cyanide in Kool Aid. Everybody drank the Kool Aid. Everybody’s dead. They have these they had these aerial shots going over the island showing, you know, all these corpses. I can’t remember what the number was. It was it was close to 1000. Right? It was. It was like a four digit number of how many people were dead. You know how Jim Jones made sure everybody went through a thing. He made the fucking kids go first. That’s right. He knew the parents wouldn’t back out if the kids were dead. I’m just saying. Just saying. Yeah, excellent. That was sketch craft. By the way, credit where credit’s due. He said this is literally a Jim Jones thing. Yeah, so tech Master says problem is parents can’t stand their own kids, they didn’t pair properly now wants them out of the house. Listen, I’m gonna hop on that bad bandwagon because it’s true. I hear it all the time. And based on the parents that my wife had to deal with at the end of the school year, last year, listen, it wasn’t a good thing for everybody. Nobody got a good piece of that deal. It was all bad for everybody. But you know, these parents have no interest in parenting. They want the schools and the teachers to parent their kids. They want they want the kids gone. And listen. I’ve been locked up with my kids since March, dude. But my point is, I understand that there are parents that can’t go back to work. I get that. I also understand that there are there’s a bigger problem to the bigger problem is that schools are not being treated as schools, schools are being used to be daycare centers. Schools are being used to be cafeterias, right. I mean, there are kids, my wife told me all the time, there case that the only time they ever eat is when they’re at school, because their parents have no money. So that’s the only time they eat. You know, they expect us to expect schools to be a Welfare Shelter, they expect them to parent. They expect them to discipline. They expect them to babysit. They expect them to feed them, they expect them to do all of that stuff. And that’s a problem. If we have as a social order, our kids don’t get to eat unless they go to school, or the only safe place they have I heard somebody argue this one on on some news program. These kids have no place to be safe other than at school. At home, they’re in danger constantly. So they need to be at school. It’s like okay, so these are fringe cases. These are niche cases. And yeah, that’s a problem. We need to fix that. What we should have been doing at the beginning at the end of the school year, when we realized this was all going to be a fucking nightmare all year long. Instead of sitting on our asses, doing nothing, they should have been fixing the problems. Right? Let’s let’s figure out a way to take care The working parent, right, let’s take let’s find a way to take care of the daycare problem. Let’s find a way to take care of the kids that don’t get to eat. If I started school, right, let’s start saying, forget sending social workers with cops, send them to the schools, let them go figure out why little Johnny’s only safe at school, there’s a bigger problem. That’s not the education systems, not the parents all parent. The system’s broken. But anyway. All I know is, is I don’t even understand why we’re discussing this. Why is there any other plan that doesn’t include 100% remote learning? Let’s figure out how to make that work. That’s what’s gonna happen. Okay, so let’s let’s we put it on the table say, this is how it’s going to be. Now let’s fix the problems that that? Yeah, so yeah, solving those problems doesn’t make anybody money. Yeah, I know. I know. But if we But listen, if we can invalidate, if we can invalidate the arguments of why kids shouldn’t be School, right? I need to be at school because they need the social interaction. Dude, the absolute opposite of what the CDC is telling you is social interaction. Right? Well, the kids need to be around other kids and to be able to socialize. That’s exactly what they’re not going to be allowed to do when they go back to school. What? These, these kids aren’t going to be allowed to be anywhere, you know, and they and one of them. One high school teacher was talking about, have you ever met a child at Do you have you? Do you know what children are? Have you ever met one? Because you’re trying to tell me, we can’t control these kids. Now. It’s a petri dish. Well, there’s no Corona Corona going on. These kids are sitting in I chose labs playing grab ass, putting their hands down each other’s pants. They’re drinking from the 15 kids are drinking the same Gatorade bottle. Right now you’re telling me you’re gonna figure out a way to get all those kids that don’t follow the regular school rules. If they’re going to remain six feet apart. They’re not going to be touching each other. They’re going to be wearing masks. They’re not going to be Sharing drinks. They’re going to be washing their hands four times a day. Right? It’s It’s impossible it’s just as Governor doocy in general don’t take time to plan for anything. Yeah, yeah, they do see is pissing me off. This guy’s no leader, you know, crises shows you who your leaders are, and who the shit stains are right? When you have crises, you have leaders and then you have non leaders and unfortunately, we have a lot of non leaders going on here. This Corona could have been at least a little more convenient and not come during a frickin election year. What am I right? Is Wouldn’t it be great? I don’t know. Anyway, if you want to if you want to see something fun I’m gonna get off this topic. So I guess get too wound up and I’ve got more shit to talk about. If you really want to have a good time, Stephen Colbert did a cartoon parody called the tragic school bus. That’s some funny shit. Go check that out. That’s a features our illustrious Secretary of education. So that’s good stuff and get a chance on enough Corona nonsense. politic talk. Let’s get on to some good stuff. Captain trips? Yeah, no kidding. Uh, let’s see what we got here. Oh, I wanted to. I wanted to turn you to a Reddit sub. Very interesting place. I think I’ve talked about it before. But recently I had a chance to get reacquainted with it. So I wanted to share with you guys. So my daughter Christina, my younger daughter. I, she’s, I think she’s taking she’s taking things a little bit hard in general. Just like stuff in this COVID stuff doesn’t help and listen. Those of us who are older know what it’s like sort of in your mid 20s. Either, like in my mid 20s I was in the military, so I didn’t really have to think about anything. It was just do what you’re told, and, you know, be done with it. But when you’re sort of aimless, you know, it’s not it’s just it’s a weird situation with her and so She she feels like she’s missing something. And I said well, may you know maybe what you need is a little bit of online socialized socialization, right? So she, she used to cut hair I mean before when they were still hoping to do so. So she worked at a barber shop and she enjoyed the socialization and then in the discussion and and the call that parlor talk or whatever. But this wasn’t like a hair salon full of yentas this was like a male barber shop. Right? And a lot of people don’t know that there’s a difference but there is and when I was in the Navy, we had barber shops now we have salons and they’re told to different totally different things. You walk in with a head of hair and you walk out without it but that’s about the only thing that they share. So she was used to sort of the almost a locker room scenario with the with the with the barber shop and all this stuff. And I told her I said, maybe you need some online socialization, maybe maybe you can find someplace because she likes to write. She likes to write poetry. She likes too, she likes to storytel. And I said, maybe, you know, maybe we can find some place for you to hang out someplace more or less safe. And so, no, we’re done with the COVID. You came at the perfect time, sir. But we know more. There’ll be no more discussions that would be even remotely, politically land politically slanted, so you’re in a good spot. So anyway, I told her, I said, Hey, how about some? How about ice, there’s a cut. There’s a place on Reddit that I found a bunch of years back, but I actually contributed to cold no sleep. And I’m sure I talked about it here on the show. But when my son was sort of waking up in the middle of the night and talking to people that weren’t there, yeah, kind of freaked me out a little bit. And so I had run across this place called no sleep on Reddit. And it’s it’s mostly for fiction writing, right? But you Know that some people go in there under the guise of writing fiction and you know, there’s real stuff in there, right? And so I told her, I said, so here’s what you do. Go, read, go see what people are writing about. And then maybe go in with a pseudonym because you don’t want them to know that you’re a cute young girl because you’ll get way too much attention and you don’t want that. Just go in like under, you know, go under a pen name first. and establish yourself get in there. And, and sort of sort of start, you know, comment on some of the stories start writing a couple of your own. See if there’s, there’s a creative outlet there for you because I thought I thought that she would gel well with that group. Well, it turns out that it was a little too freaky of a spot for her to hang out on no sleep. But I know oddly enough that a lot of my listeners would probably find no sleep an interesting subreddit. So I thought that was a fun story that my daughter had scared away from my daughter’s been scared away from the subreddit no sleep. Pretty neat. Let’s see what else is on here. So NBC has announced the details of yet another god damn for pay streaming service known as peacock. More like poppycock is what I’m thinking. But yes for another $10 a month you can get access to whatever NBC hasn’t sold off to Netflix yet. And so I got a I don’t remember if I got an article, I got an email with something I ran across an article talking about it. Because Listen, NBC and universal owns some properties that I’m interested in, like the original Battlestar Galactica. I’m interested in that. There’s a I think, universal and NBC. Oh, like the bionic man the $6 million, or the $6 million man, the bionic woman. A lot of some franchise. stuff. I think NBC Universal owns nightrider. So listen, I mean, as network services go, NBC might be right up my alley. I don’t remember what greatest American hero was on, I think that was on ABC, but neither here nor there. So I’m looking it over. And of course, they won’t actually tell you what’s going to be on there. They’ll tell they’ll give you highlights of kind of what’s on there. Right. So it’s looking this over. And of course, you got to skip to the fine print. And the fine print is just like our little buddies over at Hulu. They expect you to pay but due to restrictions in streaming content, some some streaming content will contain ads. It’s like go fuck yourself. First off 10 bucks a month. Damn. I mean, I mean, I wouldn’t be caught dead with Disney plus, but listen, if you’re talking about value per dollar, you got to go with Disney plus, but I’m thinking of my So you want 10 bucks of $10 a month? I mean, that used to be able to get you HBO on cable, right? I mean, not probably not recently, but I mean 10 bucks a month. And you got to extrapolate that across all of these goddamn services. Now you’re now you’re back at paying more than for cable, right? We’ve talked about that. But not only that, but you will insult me by still shoving as well. If I’m paying a premium, you better not be showing me shit. You better be showing me exactly what I asked for nothing more and nothing less. And, you know, you can you can piss and whine about Google. And you can piss and whine about YouTube. I mean, I know that they just jacked up their price for YouTube TV. It was like 59 bucks, and now it’s 80 bucks. I’m like, wow, that’s batshit crazy. And there are people I know that are still paying that they agreed to the increase and they’re still using it. I’m like, wow, let’s go back to cable. Cable TV is cheaper than 80 bucks right? Annie and YouTube still showing you ads they’re still showing ads on that content like wow all right so this peacock was pissing me off because yet another $10 a month another another service where you think you’re paying for ad removal when in reality like on Hulu they have it in their small print too if you when you sign up they’ll tell you right there some content still has ads even though you’re paying for it. It’s like you can kiss my ass you know it doesn’t have ads. Plex well. Local Plex now that they’ve put all that free to play content shit on there. Got every time I turn around I’m having to shut something off. Hey, speaking of Plex they some people who are not Plex pass holders are apparently getting emails offering Plex pass for the crazy price. Your lifetime Plex pass for the crazy price of 75 bucks. That’s like $50 off. Now that’s what I paid for it when it when I’m waiting first came out, I missed the boat. And of course it went up in price. And then like a year later it dropped for like two weeks. And I scraped my pennies together well, okay, I’m not that poor by I scraped my dollars together and I made the plunge. And I’ve been extraordinarily pleased overall, with Plex. But if you are not yet if you use Plex, and you’re not yet a Plex pass holder, check your emails, because you might. Yeah, of course you did. You might, you might reach out to them and see if maybe they’ll give you a partial refund or something. I don’t know. They’re not that cool. But yeah, 75 bucks for a lifetime. Or it’s like five bucks a month. I mean, do the math. But I thought that’d be that’d be pretty nice. I mean, I would probably have missed it in my email if somebody didn’t tell me to go looking for it. So might be worth looking for. Speaking of Google and YouTube, and all that nonsense. So Google music As we all know, I’ve been I bitched about this a while back, Google music is now being converted or moved over to YouTube Music. Some of you who are paying people for YouTube premium, which is which was granting you the rights to Google music. I always thought that was funny. You’re buying YouTube premium. But you’re and you’re getting music for free. Right? That’s sort of the way they sold it. Yeah, too much work to try to get your money back. Yeah, I’m with him. So we’ve known for what a year that Google music was going to go away. And listen, Google music is if Listen, it’s not it’s not the best. It’s not the greatest. It’s got some stuff on it that I haven’t seen in other places in terms of content like that was one of the only places I could find the soundtrack, the Original Motion Picture Soundtrack to don’t tell mom the babysitter’s dead. And so they had some kind of weird shit on there. But you know, they had a real easy tool. He is pointing at your mp3 directory, wait 60 days and all 30,000 years songs are safely nestled in the cloud. So there was so you know, and listen, my son is a music fiend. My wife loves like radio stuff, right? So she just, she doesn’t want to curate anything. She’s a normie I don’t want I don’t want uncurated anything. I don’t want uncurated television. I don’t want uncurated music I don’t want uncurated music. You know, there are people that for some reason like to turn on over the air television feeds and just watch TV that way. I don’t like that. If I want to watch the ropers I will watch the ropers off my Plex with no commercials. Anyway. So but my wife loves that shit. All she wants to do is pick a song and then click the button that says make a radio station out of this song. And she’ll listen to shit all day long. And she’ll smile while she’s doing it. My son he’s more like me, but he’s got the free time and bandwidth To sit and curate, and he shares these playlists with me, it’s like, dude, is this what you’re doing all day in your room? I thought you were playing video games like a normal kid. But now he’s, he’s in his room curating 300 songs from the 80s. In the 70s. This is tastes, the music is pretty good. I’ve done well with him. But anyhow, so we’ve been warned by Google, they say they just pull the rug out, they gave us some option that Google music will be now moving over to YouTube Music, which again, I do not understand Google’s wisdom sometimes. And frankly, it’s not wisdom, because wisdom would imply that there’s something educational or useful about what they’re doing that was expressed wisdom. But sometimes I look at them and wonder what the fuck is going through your heads? So yeah, well, Google music was not you know, the ipso de facto greatest interface, you know, they didn’t pay a lot of attention to it. It was it was usable. But utilitarian, but not much more. And guess what? youtube music? Same exact thing. In fact, YouTube Music is even less usable than Google music. And how do I know? Because I made the switch. So those of you who are Google music subscribers have probably been getting an email asking you over the last week to please kindly migrate your account to youtube music. Because we’re taking this away from you. This Google music thing is going away soon. I can’t tell you when but soon. So you might as well go ahead and transfer over. We’ll leave your Google music alone. We’re not going to do anything to it for a little while, but go ahead and move your account over now. Well, Javier was the first one of our group to get that email. And he was like, No, I don’t know. I don’t, I don’t want to lose what I got going on here. I don’t blame him. So I got the email a couple of days ago, and I went ahead and I said, Well, somebody in my peer group is going to have to pull the trigger on this thing and see exactly what it means. Right, what does it mean? How does it work? What’s what happens? And are they truthful about not dicking with my Google music, that’s what I figured would happen. It’s like, haha, we got you, you know, flip the switch, and then you’re all cut off of your Google music and you got to deal with the shitty ass you YouTube Music interface. So it all went relatively seamless. So you agree to do it, I had to switch accounts because I was on my mineral world account for my YouTube channel. So I had to switch over my accounts. And they’re like, okay, you know, we’re gonna move this way. They show you exactly what they’re gonna move, we’re gonna move all your custom music, we’re gonna move all your playlists. And so, you know, they kind of held you by the hand. And they’re like, Okay, so we’re transferring now. You can sit here if you want, or we can just send you an email when we’re done. So I just, I just went and did something else. So eventually, I got an email that said, you know, your move is good. So I when I checked, and the first thing you’ll find out, is they really don’t want you to have your music. They want to hide your music in another place. So if you go right to youtube music and you search for a song, you know, you uploaded, right? That that you know that they didn’t have but you uploaded it yourself. It doesn’t come up. You have to go into a special section and search that section to find your music. And it’s like, Yeah, well, we knew we knew they were gonna fuck this up somehow. That’s exactly how it happened. So you know, you have to go to some uploads area or something to get your music so it doesn’t mix them together like YouTube, or like Google music did, which was actually one of the better features of Google music was that it didn’t matter if it was free music from Google music music you purchased on Google music or music you uploaded. It’s all just mesh. Together, they want none of that going on at YouTube Music. So now the question that really is important, everybody, how do you steal music off the service? Right? When I say steal, I have a license to listen to it. I just don’t want to listen to it in, in the YouTube Music interface. Same problem I have with Google music, right? While both services will allow you quote, offline listening, quote, quote, right. It’s all still, you know, it’s not mp3 is it’s some weird ass Google format that you can’t get to because it’s all restricted. So on. On Google music, there was a great tool for Android called music mate. And I don’t know how, how they managed to stay on the Google, the Google Play Store, but they did. And the purpose of this tool is to download every song on your playlist into mp3. And I gotta tell you, it works remarkably well. Nice tidy 320 kilobit mp3. So now you’re all set for offline listening. Now you don’t actually have to worry about now you can use power amp, or now you can use VLC or whatever tool that you would like to use to listen to your music. You’re not stuck with their shitty ass interface. And let’s be honest, most of these interfaces for music players are all shitty me. online music players are all shitty ass interfaces, because they’re Look, they’re there. They’re there to appeal to the masses, and the masses don’t get typically that complicated and their needs. So the real question was is can you do the same thing in any manner with YouTube Music? Well, I’m glad I asked that. The answer is yes. But as usual, there’s always a button and I guarantee you that once Google music actually shuts down, we will have a better solution. Right now there’s nothing stopping you like right now I live in both worlds. If I need an outlet them down. If I need David Bowie’s Blackstar album, rip down to mp3, I hit one little button, I load a program on my Android. And next thing I know I got a folder full of mp3, right? That’s all it takes. I can still do that now, despite the fact that I migrated my account over. So until that gets cut off for everybody I’m not looking for. I’m not expecting there to be a large quantity type solution. But let me tell you what I did find. And it works well is. So I’ve been using I’ve been talking a lot about this tool called odd deals or odd dials to German. That’s a German product. And these guys specialize in letting you rip content from the internet. Right? So if you if there’s a documentary on Netflix, of course, you can’t buy it. You can’t own it, and God knows if it’ll be there tomorrow. Right? So you can use odd aisles or audios to basically you open up a browser, you open the content up in it. It records it and it does a direct video grab from your video card. So there’s no overlays there’s no weird shit your mouse pointer doesn’t show up. And it grabs it has its own sound driver that patches into Chrome so that it record it doesn’t record any alerts or anything that happens on your desktop. So it’s literally the perfect ripping solution. Well, they also have a music version of audios called audios music, great name, and its job is to do the same thing. Get your Spotify playlist, get your get your music from Amazon, whatever. And bring it down, bring it local, put it in a format you want. bing bang boom. So does it work with YouTube Music The question that drives us all? The answer is it does work with YouTube Music on a song by song basis. That means no album ripping, no playlist ripping. So if you want all 10 of Those Blackstar songs off of David Bowie’s album, you’re gonna have to paste the URLs one at a time. Listen, I know first world problems where my piracy solution doesn’t work, right. But in reality, it does work, but it’s still a little extra work now. I’m absolutely positive. And I’ve already written the audios and said, hey, how do I get around this? Because I want to rip a playlist. Right? I want to rip an album. And so I haven’t heard back from them yet. I mean, I only wrote it today. So I am I am trying to find a solution. When I find one. I’ll share it with all of you. Fortunately, now that I’ve ripped most of the music I’m interested in down. I only have one z two Z’s, right. Heaven forbid an album comes out from OMD or something and I want the whole album. I’ll rip the 18 tracks one by one, no big deal. I’m not looking to rip a playlist of 600 you know, items. So anyway, Yeah, so there you go. And I’m hoping that the weird playlist limits right Chad the weird playlist limits that are on YouTube or on Google music will not work their way over to a Google music. On the other hand, as I’ve said before, there’s really nothing stopping you from taking your shiny new Plex pass and setting up your Plex server to be your own music server. I mean, you can’t rip from there but at least if you if you don’t care for the, the, you know, the monthly subscription fees and everything else, you do have an option. So yeah, I will keep I will keep you informed on what I find out about our buddy youtube music as I get to explore more. So our buddies, Sylvester Stallone, has taken to Twitter to tell us a couple of new pieces of information that I thought were interesting enough to talk about. Number one, it is possible we’re going to get into the Rambo movie. I’m not sure who was asking for that. I mean, I thought that The last one was okay. I thought they they did what they could with what they write. I mean, this guy’s like 90 years old and he’s out fucking killing Mexican sex slave traders. It’s nuts. But anyway, so we may have an opportunity to experience in another Rambo movie. So that can be fun. But more importantly forget about Rambo. Let’s talk about something that really matters rocky for Yes. Yes, Rocky for we all know, Rocky four is my favorite rocky movie. And it’s because it’s such a period piece is the it’s so 80s I mean, Brigitte Nielsen, so 80s it’s just nutty. How 80s that rocky for us and I love it. I love Billa I love it. I love it. And so, according to Sylvester Stallone himself, there is almost a complete other cut of Rocky for kicking around. And he is promising that we are going to get a new director slash extended slash ultimate cut of Rocky for right even dry go Can you imagine I am so I want it I want it and I want it now I can’t wait for this this you know some people are waiting for the next Star Wars movie some people are waiting to get another Spider Man movie they can’t wait for the next Avengers movie fuck all that give me rocky for Extended Cut that’s all I want. I want more robot. I want more Paulie. Right? I want all of that nonsense and I wanted as soon as humanly possible I don’t want to wait. Give it to me now. Right now. Rocky for Director’s Cut. I can’t believe it. I mean that How great is that? I mean, that’s like finding out greatest American hero is going to be you know, released on blu ray. I mean, I can only I can only get more excited. So my son and I of course are continuing to watch movies together. I believe when We left off we had started secret admirer. But we had not gotten through that and of course secret admirer is. See Thomas Howe. And this is sort of germane actually to the news other news I have to talk about. So see Thomas howl and Lori Loughlin when she was in her prime. I mean, she still looks okay now for a, you know, a admissions fraud. Criminal but, but back in the day Listen, I had the biggest crush on Lori Loughlin. I I’m embarrassed to admit it. I would not watch full house but her movies, right? Secret Meyer was almost porn to me. I mean, it’s so hot. Even though she was sort of the the nerdy friend it was, oh my god. So of course my son is, you know, he’s 13 going on 20 and, and he is taking an interest in the fair sex like nobody’s business. And Lori Loughlin is his new favorite. It’s like, yeah, I’ll show you some pictures. I’ll show you Because you might not be your favorite anymore, but now so every movie that we watch that has a hotter girl than the last movie becomes the new litmus test right? So when I’m getting ready to show him another movie it’ll be Is there a hot chick in it? And I’m like, Yes there is. And he’s like, is it hotter than and in this case right now the current reigning champ is Lori Loughlin. 1980’s Lori Loughlin. So that of course as you know, he did not recognize see Thomas hell from Red Dawn. But that led us to a Lori Loughlin hop, right because we’ve been doing this with Kevin Bacon. We’ve been doing it with various actors, we watch one movie then we hop to another movie that has one of those actors, it’s kind of a fun thing. So it was time for him to see the much the much ignored, never heard of for some people movie, featuring Lori Loughlin, and the Incredible James Spader, which of course, I’m talking about the new kids, which recently came out on blu ray. So this is the first time I got to stretch my, my high definition cut of said movie. Nothing new. I mean, it’s just it’s just, you know, it’s just a blu ray version. Nothing. Nothing, no extra is no director’s cut or anything like that. And the movie holds up. The movie holds up pretty well. I mean, listen, it’s very 80s and it’s a little cliche in in spots, but you know, Lori Loughlin has not has not looked better since I don’t think then the new kids. So watch that. A little a little, um, a little piece of trivia for you. I do believe that was the first time I’d ever either in at least in movies, or maybe even at all, had ever heard the word cut. That’s right, the C word the dreaded C word. That is basically the N word for women. And in that movie, he actually says, and I quote, this is James Spader. That boy is fucking ripped. You know, he doesn’t look that good now. I mean, he’s kind of kind of pumped up a little bit and what’s that show he’s in Now, remember? He’s had better days, the boy that homeboy was ripped to fucking that movie. Yeah, is he not? But I listen, I am a heterosexual male. There is not a homosexual bone in my body. The word bi does not even cross my lips. But that dude, Spader was looking good. I mean, holy shit. That boy was ripped up. But anyway, um, yeah, there’s a point in the movie where I’m like, I don’t want to ruin it because somebody hasn’t seen it, but he actually says, fucking cunt. I want her dead. That’s nice, man. Fantastic, right. Unbelievable. So yeah. So then we then we moved to yet another movie hop but we’ve skipped a couple generations. I don’t know if you’ve seen the movie bad dreams with Jennifer Rubin she played the junky druggie bad chick from Nightmare on Elm Street three. And if you’ve seen bad dreams, it’s almost just a just a clone of Nightmare on Elm Street three. And that’s not necessarily a bad thing. She does a really good job. I mean, I wouldn’t have thought having seen Nightmare on Elm Street three that she could carry a movie, but she did a really good job in that creepy ass fucking Richard Lynch’s in that movie, and Bruce Abbott’s in there who else is in there that you know? There’s a bunch of people in that movie that you see you know, holy shit, I remember him. Hey, I remember him What the hell? But you know it’s a it’s it’s it’s a it’s a real it’s I love I think it’s a great movie. And it came out recently from Scream Factory backed with the two movie set with the In hours, which I’ve never seen, but I know for a fact that I purchased that movie. Well, I’m 99% sure that I lost that in the house break in when they took a bunch of our DVR blu rays. So I did, I did some looking and of course it’s out of print Good luck. But there is a nice region to copy of bad dreams available. And it looks great. It’s weird. It’s in. It’s in a jewel case. It looks like an HD DVD. But it’s got extras. It’s got all sorts of shit. So I’m like, You know what? I am getting my ass in my hands on that. So that’ll be cool. I’m waiting for that to come. But anyway, so to circle back to secret admirer. Of course one of the other 80s heartthrobs for for boys was the very, very beautiful, Kelly Preston. And so she plays she plays the real bitch in that movie that he’s all that see Thomas house all into and if you Don’t remember. Secret Admirer, but oddly enough, you remember an even more obscure movie called mischief. Kelly Preston gets 100% naked. I’m talking Full Frontal. Now if you watch it on DVD, you don’t get to see what’s going on downstairs. If you have the VHS that was shot for full frame, oddly enough, it’s matted for DVD. It was shot in four four by three. You get to see the goods but you have to have it on VHS. There you go. Mr. Skin calm. Well, we’ll save you right. Thank you, Mr. skin. But the reason of course I bring it up, Kelly Preston. Yes. Kelly Preston died of breast cancer at 57. Earlier this week, and you know what really bothers me the most. I mean, she was beautiful. She was still a beautiful woman. I mean, good for her. She’s like Elizabeth Hurley. I don’t know how these pacts with the devil got to be you know, maybe Some isn’t john travolta. That’s john travolta is her husband By the way, and we believe it’s all a sham marriage set up by Scientology but maybe that’s it. Maybe she’s got like that alien bloodshed going on right? The whole conspiracy shit with the Scientology. I don’t know but she was looking good either that or they’re showing like 30 year old pictures of her in all of her obituaries but she beautiful girl beautiful woman 57 years old still looks stunning. You know what bothers me the most about that? Is that they don’t. A lot of places aren’t calling her. Kelly Preston. They’re calling her john Travolta’s wife that bothers the shit out of me. You know, john travolta, his wife dead at 57. I’d like to change the name, man. She wasn’t like, just the other half of john travolta. You know, that’s like saying, that’s like saying, Sonny Bono’s wife. You know, that was a weird reference anywhere that came from But you get my point. I mean, I thought that was that’s kind of disrespectful. I mean, she was an accomplished actress on her own. You know, it’s not like I don’t know, maybe nobody in Britain knows john travolta. Nobody knows her. I don’t know, but it bothered me. I saw a couple of them saw a couple of obits that was like that’s Damn it. Some bullshit, man. So yeah. Little Amash to Kelly Preston. I’m serious wet dream material for a lot of us guys back in the back in the 80s. Man so we’re almost we’re almost clocked in and an hour here. I should probably get my ass back in the house. I just I’ve completely gone through my list and I managed to skip everything in VR yet again. And where’s Travis? The one time I’m not telling you about beat Sabre or anything. he happens to not be here. Let me see. Mmm hmm. He said only had I’m trying to think of a new thing like last minute I need to throw out. Check out the loot boxes. The loot crates from Shane shed little plug there. I’ll talk to you a little tiny bit, I’m not going to give any details I am working on. Maybe it might even be proper because you know me, I don’t like to do a lot of post production on anything. But I’ve got, there’s a piece of my history. I’ve talked about it before on the show. But this little slice of history. It’s sort of forgotten history. And I was I was thinking to myself about it. The other day, I ran across something that sort of triggered the trip the memory, the memory cells, the neurons fired a little bit. And I’m like, you know, it’s kind of gone this piece. It doesn’t. It was a weird time. It doesn’t really exist anymore. And so I started digging around, I started looking for information about it. And there’s not a lot of info. I mean, there’s no like, you know, like sometimes you find a topic and you’re like, Dude, that’s the perfect topic to do that’s the perfect topic to do a YouTube video for. I mean nobody because that’s the everybody’s already done it if you want to go talk about I don’t know recordable DVDs if you want to talk about the Fisher Price something it’s already out there somebody on YouTubes already done and they probably done a better than you could do it. But I’ve been really I’ve been watching tech Mon and eight bit guy and a bunch of these. These other youtubers I’m like, you know, these guys are doing a really great service. They’re covering and historically documenting shift that people either didn’t ever know about or forgotten about. And not just in some casual way not saying Yeah, well this, but like, like breaking it down, taking it apart, showing us how it works, you know, talking about history and stories around that timeframe as it relates to that. I like I like that you guys know, because that’s what I do. And I do my videos I do my show I like to talk about historical blips in time, that may be time for God. And so I came up with this idea. And so I started looking around for information. And the more I searched, the more I looked, the more I realized that the shit doesn’t exist. I mean, it’s like, it’s like a little snippet here, a little dabble over there. But much like the, the meteoric rise of mp3. I was there. I mean, I was there when mp3 was born. Now, nobody knows about mp3 now because nobody’s using it but but it was the most important thing to happen in music, since music, you know, mp3, digital music, and now everything’s digital. So everybody sort of owes their asked mp3 and there was a period of time when I was alive when there was no mp3 there was no digital music. I was there I was at in the scene at the time. When you call Find a Michael Jackson song It had to be traded for swapped. Or, you know, there’s this whole thing I’ve told the story a million times, but that’s gone that’s kind of lost. But if you go out right now and search for the origins of mp3, or you know, IRC, mp3 trading bots or anything, that’s all documented, it’s all out there. It’s easy to go out and learn about mp3 as a format. But this is something else this this topic that I want to talk about this topic I want to expand upon. It’s, it exists still in some fashion, but the origins how it happened. I was there I was there. I was present before this thing was batshit crazy. I was there when it became batshit crazy and I was there on the way out. Yeah, mod format kicks ass. I love me some mod. So anyway, so the more research I did, the more I realized this needs to be done. documented, this needs to be shown. Not Not Not in some casual passing way it needs to be respectfully discussed. And I need to be able to share what it was like to be present when that happened. And I will be able to leave that for 20 years from now when somebody’s like shit, I remember something my dad or my grandpa or somebody was telling me about this. I can go look it up on YouTube and I’ll be able to find maybe not the definitive thing because even I have to research and find information which doesn’t really exist or I wouldn’t be doing it. So I have, I am gathering hard, where I’m gathering stuff. I’m gathering items in order to make this and it’s costing me it’s going to cost me a lot of money. It’s my point. available but not readily available. expensive. Sometimes a pain in the ass to find, but I am I am I am putting all this together so I am sharing this with you, my my devoted audience, my small but devoted audience. I am working on something that I’m hoping will be something, it won’t be big to everybody, but it’ll it’ll be an important slice to me. And I know those of you who have been on this journey with me for 1020 years 30 years I think you’ll find it even if you’re not interested directly in the content. What you see will be interesting, how about that? So that’s that’s my next big thing. Yes, there will be more loot boxes. My wife has told me if I do not clean the loot boxes up out of the kitchen, it’ll be my ass. So I’ve also been instructed much like oh yeah tech, you’ll love this. This will be right up your alley. There will be for everybody turbo there might not care and he’ll he’ll watch it and he’ll think it’s interesting, but it’s not it’s not gonna like you know, it won’t be anything specific that he’s gonna like Javier Oh, probably like it. But anyway, so I’m excited. I really want to do this. I want to do this respectfully. I don’t want to do a half assed job with it. I want to do it. I want to do it well, I’m gonna produce the shit out of it and probably get overproduced. But anyway, so yeah, there’ll be more loot boxes I got to clean up my mess first. And yes tech master. My wife has already told me I’ve been lectured. That should just can’t be thrown back into the boxes I need to organize and categorize and label so I had been told, but of course it can’t happen fast Get your shit out of my kitchen. Oh, but before you do spend the time in organizing and label it and everything else so I thought that was kind of funny because tech master was giving me shit for putting everything back in the box and not marking stuff. All right, I’m gonna get out of here. It’s actually getting cold in the car even though it’s still says 116 degrees outside my car. Live. Hope you enjoy the show. I know some of you have been eager to have a little more show. I think JK even said even if I go to the store a quick 10 minute show would be great. problem is I don’t go anywhere anymore. And when I do go anywhere it’s three minutes. It’s three minutes in the pharmacy three minutes to it’s five minutes to go get fro yo if I happen to want for you. But I mean, I go to the store, I go to the pharmacy. That’s it. I mean, I don’t go anywhere. So Alright everybody, I hope you enjoyed the show. This is Shane R. Monroe pastor see radio. We’ll see you next time. Take care, everybody.
Passenger Seat Radio Episode 2020-07-15
