Hello everybody, this is Shane Armin row, you’re in the passenger seat with me passenger seat radio. It is Friday, July 24. And you are on my I don’t know how many miles it is to Costco you’re on my trip to Costco. Welcome to the show. So many of you have expressed the desire to have as many shows as possible, even if they’re short little 10 or 15 minute shows. So I’m trying to give the customers what they want. And I’m on my way to Costco. And I’m about to go into a carwash because we started to get just a little tiny sliver of the monsoon season kicking in. And so my car is all nasty, and there’s bird duty on it. And I want my damn car clean. So we’re going to go through the carwash here in a second. I’m waiting in line now. How’s everybody doing? So let’s see. I’ve got I actually have The handful of things I wanted to talk about. You see here. Let’s see. So let’s start off with a little VR stuff since I haven’t gotten to talk about VR stuff and I’ve got some stuff to talk about. One of my favorite VR experiences on the PC is a game called in death, which is a procedurally generated roguelike archery game where you are essentially in purgatory, and the gods have abandon everybody and you are trying to get through and get to the end of purgatory. And so you’re spending you spend the game traversing these citadels and bridges and buildings trying to get to the other side of purgatory. And along the way, of course, there’s plenty of bad guys there’s little Goblin looking dudes, there’s like Templars that have big swords or throwing axes. You’ve got these like These ethereal monks in robes and they’ve got they’ve got bow and arrows and they’ll shoot at you. Who else monsters are in there. There’s all sorts of monsters that you’ll find along your way. And the more you play, the more money the more and different types of monsters will show up. And your primary weapon of course, is a Boehner you’ve got a shield to block incoming arrows, but for the most part, it is a ranged attack sort of game, which I love. And the bone mechanics are fantastic. I mean, not every game I know people title element Assassin’s grade and there’s all these quit quit VR and blah, blah, blah. Yeah, there’s there’s a lot of bow and arrow games on on VR, and then even on the quest itself, but I’m gonna be honest with you, but elven assassin I fight with the controls every time I play that game. I love the concept, the tower defense sort of thing. But frankly, I’ve never gotten used to that control and so In Depth has been the perfect game in terms of in terms of bow work. So I really like that. The game is beautiful. It looks great on the quest, it was ported. It was ported. I gotta say I’m trying to get myself lined up here. All right, I’m now in auto mode so it’s gonna get loud in a second. So it got ported over by a different studio. Sol Sol afar I believe is the name of the original studio that did it on the PC and superbright just released it for the quest came out yesterday in fact, and I had been given a preview copy so I’ve been recording videos and writing reviews and everything. So if you go to my you know, medium.com slash at dark uni, you can read my review and at the bottom of that review are links to the two videos on YouTube. If you’ve subscribed to me, I’m in the real world. Then you’ll also have probably already seen those It’s a great game, and I’m really excited to got ported I like that the name of it’s called unchained. And you know, you sort of think of that as a God of War thing, right you know unchained god of war on chain, but the whole you know, the concept is is it’s no longer no longer chained to your PC. Sorry, get the car how much you can hear at this point? I think that might be the loudest piece of the equation. Anyway, so I was very excited about that. I’ve been sitting on these reviews, I did a nice text review. For those who prefer to read versus watch videos. I did a commentary version and non commentary version. So you can get whatever you need from that. So in depth is out. That’s a big that’s a big surprise. Mike Lorraine who is one of the duo of the watchman podcast slash YouTube channel that I watched, and I frequently tell About here recently told me that he had run across a blu ray version of the $6 million man, the old 1977 78 TV series starring Lee Majors. And I’m like, dude, How good can that look? I mean, if it’s even true, you know, I would expect something of that nature to be some sort of crappy 10 ADP up samples, right? Like, like, that’s the best you’re gonna get. Okay, we’re getting through the dryer. So it’s gonna be noisy. I’m gonna pause for a second here. Actually, they actually I think the brushes were noisier than the fans. All right, well, that’s enough of that nonsense. Back to the show. And so he said that he had ordered it and he hadn’t told me about it until it was almost here, because he wanted to sort of be a surprise. He knows I’m a big fan. And we often talk about movies and television from our youth and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Anyway, we talked a lot on Discord. So he said that they just come in, they had gotten them in. And he had shared a video from YouTube with some guy doing an unboxing of these things, and showing some stills but not video from the release. And I’m like, Yeah, well, you know, video tells the tale. You can do whatever you want with those stills. And I said, but I’m intrigued. And so he started ripping him and he sent me episode number one and one of the original TV movies because all three of the are the three original pilot movies are on there, along with all the full run of the $6 million man. So he sent it over to me and I think I’m going to be honest, there’s some sort of witchcraft involved here. I have never seen anything remarkably that old. look that good. And so I shared, I shared some pictures and stuff like that. And I’m trying to get myself get my hands on on one of these. But he, the listing that he used suddenly won’t ship to the US. So he got one. But now they won’t ship to the US. So I got, I mean, the only other alternative is to spend 170 bucks for that collection, versus the you know, hundred and 12 that he paid, which seems like absolutely batty to pay that much. But you know, listen, that’s five seasons 526 episode seasons of the $6 million, man and I’m telling you, if you could see what these look like you would lose your mind. I mean, even if you’re okay, maybe you’re not a $6 Million Dollar Man fan. Maybe you know, Hey, Chris, what’s up, man? Yeah, yeah, yeah, well, it’s a different time to it. I took the day off, I needed a little mental health day. And I had no commitments and work today, which also never happens. So I thought I would. It was it was Providence that I needed to take the day off. So I did. But anyway, so let me get back to the $6 million man thing. So there’s some intro there’s an interesting video about there’s a guy named tech tech connection to YouTube channel. I watch. This guy’s got a bajillion followers and he does really good videos. And he was talking about the recent George Michael video that had for Christmas right last Christmas. George Michael hit some, you know, some real famous Christmas song and a Christmas video. They rerelease this Christmas video in 4k, like totally remastered 4k of an MTV Music Video and everybody went batshit about I think I even talked about it here. And so the guy From what I think it’s called tech connections or technical connections, and he did, he basically did a video explaining how this was possible. And I of course, I found the concept. I mean, I kind of knew about the concept but kind of didn’t. But he explained it very, very well and to give it to you in a nutshell, film has no resolution, it has no real quality, right? So as long as the film is in good shape, you can pretty much do whatever you want with it, which is why blu ray catalog titles of old movies can look very, very good and blu ray because they they can read, they can take the film and create a new and strike a new two K or 4k master from the film. Because the film doesn’t, it’s not tied to a resolution. It’s, it’s whatever you want it to be up to a certain point I’m assuming but the video really Get a good job explaining it. Movies are shot on film or now of course they’re shot digitally. But television shows many, many television shows. Were on tape. And so even if they were shot on film, they were probably transferred to tape for broadcast, right. If you don’t happen to have those master films still, then it makes it very, very difficult to remaster anything if all you have are the broadcast tapes because tape is a finite medium. It can never look any better than the when it was struck and it only goes down from hill from there right. Star Trek The Next Generation recently had a fully restored you know, blu ray release of the entire series and it looks incredible. They should Shots Star Trek The Next Generation on film. Star Trek Voyager was not. So Voyager can never get that treatment even if there was a demand for which there probably isn’t, I mean me and like two other people love Voyager, my wife being one of them. But they don’t have there’s no way you can’t take something low quality and make it high quality. It doesn’t work that way. But with film, as long as you can dust that film off, clean it up and run it back through, you know, the machine so to speak. You You can strike whatever resolution copy you want off of it, which is crazy. So that’s why I’m assuming and I haven’t looked this up to verify, but I’m assuming the $6 million man was shot on film and that’s why they can get away with making these remasters that look like magic. I mean, this looks like magic people. I’ve got the $6 million man time life collection that they released on DVD. I took a snapshot from that a snapshot from the original, the new blu ray episode that I got. And I just overlaid them. And you’re looking at it going, this isn’t even the same show. I mean, I mean, you know, in one, Steve Austin’s hair is just a brown mess on his head in the other in the blu ray, you can count the hairs on his head, you know, and seeing this high. We sometimes take for granted that everything shot in high def, and we take for granted everything shot digitally. We take for granted that everything is available in this high super high quality. But when you’re going back looking at these, these older titles, these catalog titles, these old TV shows and you’re saying yourself, why the hell Don’t I have these on blu ray, why have they not remastered these there’s a demand for it. There has to be a demand for it. And so there you go. In the case of the next generation, this is something I thought was interesting before CGI Write between practical effects which means you’re taking blood squibs on yourself and, and you’re, you know, you got puppets those are practical effects, somewhere between practical effects and CGI came something called optical effects. And optical effects are nonsense done to the film either in camera at the time of shooting or added optically, it’s not a digital process if sometimes they may have the film, right. But the effects themselves were done optically. They’re not on the film, right? In the case of Star Trek The Next Generation, the special effects shots weren’t shot in camera, right? You can’t really make a laser gun in camera, you know, laser pistol or a phaser. You can’t really make that work in camera. You have to add that effect later. And if it’s if it’s not, you know, Drawing the laser directly on the film, right? They do it with an optical effect, in post or in sometimes it can do it in camera. Either way, the original film print doesn’t have it. Right. So for the next generation restoration, then remake the shots. They had to remake the special effects shots, because they didn’t exist. There was no way that you can’t go back and get them. That’d be kind of gone. Right? So they had to go back and redo all of that stuff. That’s, that’s, that’s crazy. You know, so for Voyager. They couldn’t even do that. Right? So they couldn’t restore Voyager. But anyway, so I just kind of wanted to share with you this whole $6 million man on blu ray thing. Whether you’re a fan or not, it is fascinating to me. Not just fascinating, but impressive. That something so old, can look so new. Even though it doesn’t it doesn’t really see Like it could be possible at some of the magic in Hootie hoo going on around here. But I thought it was great, you know, to see something of that, like I’m a big fan of now honestly. And I’m no I’m going to get ribbons for this, but I was more of a bionic woman fan than I was a $6 million man fan. I blame the low tea. I think I was born with low T and I didn’t figure it out until I was in my 40s. But I really liked the bionic woman. And they do have a blu ray set, but it’s all like upscaled SD stuff. Right? So it’s not it’s not what you’re gonna see on the bionic man sets. I’m willing to wait. I mean, if they could do with the $6 million man they can do with the bionic woman. All we have to do is have one more, reboot or rehash a reimagining and they’ll build blu ray those things right on up and they’ll release them in the United States. They’ll be able to get my hands on a copy. But I thought it was I thought it was PFM dude pure friggin magic, that they were able to make Steve Austin look that good. I mean, I could count the rink, I could count the pores on the guy’s nose in the close up. It was incredible. So let’s see, what else do I got? I got maybe five minutes before I park at costcos. What else is on my list? I don’t know if I’ve got time to talk about that. Oh, my documentary is coming along. The ones that I’m working on. The items are still coming in the mail that I need. I’m waiting on one more major item. But I’m working on my script. I’m working on some storyboards i’m doing i’m doing the whole thing here. This is going to be really cool. Or it’s going to be a lot of work that like five people will watch, which will be too bad because I’m hoping that this will be sort of a definitive well as definitive as you can get with the lack of information that I’ve got available to me. But it should be it should be exciting, and it’s really interesting to see this stuff coming together. I’ve had some surprises along the way. As I’ve been doing my research and gathering of equipment and stuff to do this. So I’m excited to share those surprises with you too, which is also cool. So that is coming along well I have no eta on that, but I’m hoping it’ll be worth it. My son and I have continued our old movie Fest, our old movie marathon fest and we put three more actually for more because I have this other movie written down. But we have added the great Walter Hill movie The warriors to the list. He seemed to like it okay. We added the Terry o’quinn match masterpiece of the stepfather not that Shawn being remake bullshit. I’m talking about the original Terry o’quinn, stepfather. We added that to the list she she’s my son’s a big fan of the girl in there, Jill said wrote her name down Jill shoaling. She was also in a much of the other movie she was in. That’s what kind of led us over here. She was in Phantom of the Opera, which is the which is the Freddy Krueger edition, right? That’s the one that that hang on a second trying to navigate myself into Costco here. That’s the Robert England one which by the way as I understand Phantom of the Opera, I don’t know the original story completely. But I can tell you that this Andrew Lloyd Webber shit is nowhere near the creepy creepiness that the original Phantom of the Opera story was. This, however, is apparently at least a little more loosely based on the original freaky ass French story of the Phantom of the Opera. So for what it’s worth, we like that one as well. So in the last one that we watched last night was sleepwalkers. You know, sleepwalkers is an interesting movie. A lot of people didn’t care for it, and I can kind of understand why it there is an incestuous overtone to that movie which do you watch that and you’re going I remember because I saw in the theater I saw I saw Hang on a second trying to park here. Just gonna park out in the middle of nowhere to make it easier. Got to finish this little segment here and then I can go in. Second, let me get back to the chat here. Yeah, so I went to the theater to see it. And if you if you know the movie, there’s an incestuous overtone to it. Well forget about the overtone. It’s got incest in it. And I’ll tell you what, when that incest happened on the screen, multiple times, the audience almost vomited openly in the theater. I think that’s really what killed that movie. But what makes this movie really, really interesting. And a lot of this I didn’t know until yesterday, I’ve seen the movie quite a few times. I mean, it’s not a it’s not an annual watch or anything, but I’ve seen it. I’ve seen it a good handful of times. And there’s there cameos bound in there. I mean, of course Stephen King has his obligatory cameo. Clive Barker is in there. frickin Mark Hamill Luke Skywalker himself has a cameo in there. And who else was in there? Tobe Hooper is in there john Landis isn’t like those who have Hollywood inside of this you know, budget be Stephen King movie. But something I never put together until last night. absolutely crazy. The the yummy girl who’s in there and I can never pronounce her name. But Emma check Mad Mad magic now. What’s her name? Magic. Yeah, anyway, look her up. sleepwalkers. You can’t miss her name. It’s so weird. But she’s so beautiful. That is one of the most I mean from for a young the young starlet era. Beautiful, beautiful girl. I’m not sure what she looks like. I haven’t seen her recently, but boy, I’ll tell you what, that was a big crush on her big crush on her back then. But her parents get this. Her parents are Ferris Bueller’s parents, the two actors that play Ferris Bueller’s parents are this girl’s parents and sleepwalker it’s so bizarre oh and but then you go to like I said, you go down the list the IMDb you go down the list of sleepwalker names and it’s just like, oh my god, like everybody’s in here and how come I didn’t notice him? Ron Perlman looks like he’s 20 years old in that movie, you know he’s in there. So we that was a lot of fun we we enjoyed watching that and there’s some there’s some amazing pieces in there. The movie is more the sum of its parts. I wouldn’t say that it’s a masterpiece by any stretch of the imagination. But for a fun you know kick around the house. You know thriller, slash horror movie was Stephen King’s name on it. A bunch of fun cameos to look out for. It’s definitely worth a watch. Alright guys, I am at Costco I’m going to go and brave the masses. I’m gonna put my mask on and make a fashion statement. I’m going to put it on right now so you can hear me all muffled I am headed into Costco if you don’t hear back for me send in the troops. And listen, I hope you enjoyed the show. I know it’s a little short, but you said you’d rather have short than none. So you get 22 minutes. That’s pretty good. This is Shane R. Monroe passenger seat radio. We’ll see you next time. Take care, everybody.
Passenger Seat Radio Episode 2020-07-24