Hello everybody, this is Shane R. Monroe and you’re in the passenger seat with me passenger seat radio. It is September 17 2021. And you are in the hot tub edition. With me. And we are in the hot tub tonight, doing a little earlier show. Some of you think I may have disappeared off the planet since we haven’t had a new show in so long. But the only reason you’re getting a show today is because I’m taking the evening off. And I will catch you all up to date with why that is. So let’s see here. I have a list of crap to talk about. Let me get my keep notes up. Alright, so yeah, I guess we’ll open up with what I’ve been up to. And then I’ll update you with some new, some new gaming news and information, what I’ve been up to in that department. But first things first. So I’ve been here since 1998, in this house. And since then, outside of this hot this glorious hot tub that I’m laying in right now, I have done practically nothing with this rather large backyard that I have. So this is a pretty good size. Lots In fact, the the footprint of available horizontal space in the backyard after the hot tub in the shed, the famous Shane shed was about 2900 square feet, which is pretty damn good size for you know, this area and having a yard. But unfortunately, yeah, the My problem is, is we get the monsoons here, right, so it’s dry, it’s hot, and then it’s hot and wet. And then finally for a few months, starting about late October, early November, you know, it’s Phoenix weather and everything starts to cool down and it’s beautiful to be outside. You can barbecue in your shorts on Christmas, you know, that sort of thing. The reason people actually do move here, but when we get the monsoons, my backyard becomes a jungle. I’m talking spider monkeys, Vietcong, you name it my backyard, there was a point in time that my backyard got so out of control. Good. I had six foot weeds. Hey, Brian holds on what’s up, man. I had six foot giant plants growing in my backyard. And these things just sneak right up on you. When the monsoons come, like, like every couple of years, I completely grind to my backyard to dirt, right? I take every weed out everything and. And then within a year, the whole place grows into this huge vegetation farm. And so the idea was eventually we were going to do something with this backyard. But the years go by, you don’t want to do anything and it’s too hot. It’s too cold. money’s not right. Whatever it is, there’s always some reason not to work on the backyard. So with you know, with COVID, and not driving around a lot, and not going on vacations a lot, not spending a lot of money all the time. We know we’ve been sort of afforded a little bit of bonus bonus cash so so we’ve been investing that back into the house. And so our goal was of course we put the hot tub in, as I mentioned, my wife achieved a certain small inheritance from us her her stepmother from ages ago. Long story they’re not sure I’d want she’d want me to share it. So I’ll leave that one out. But you know, we got a few bucks from her and we decided that we were going to put the hot tub in and so that’s where that came from. pricing. Oh yeah, yeah, I’ll talk about game prices in a minute. Ridiculous. So the idea is now we’ve got this absolutely gorgeous hot tub back here it looks you know, it’s all brand new and shiny. But then you look around and the back of the house was never painted. You know, it was paint, you know, ever since we extended the house, we never painted it. Really put it it’s just, it’s just terrible. And then of course when the monsoons come and all of the the greenery grows out and then there’s weeds all over the place absolutely sucks. So we decided we had a couple of ideas in mind. And then at some point, we couldn’t make up our minds. And so I put my foot down and said we’re gonna rock the whole backyard. It’s going to be nothing but a hot tub, a shed and rocks and we want to do something with it later. You know, we want to put it building a barbecue Or a bar or something like that, we want to put out picnic, a big picnic tables if, if we want to do something like that, we can do it later. But let’s get these weeds in the backyard under control. So we went ahead and we got rock, right. And of course, it’s not just the rock that you have to do, it’s prepping the yard and, and from the hot tub, we had some they brought in some leveling dirt, right, some of this huge pile of dirt that we don’t use. There’s a bunch of demo leftover from laying the concrete out for the hot tub and the pavers. And so it’s not just laying down like landscaping fabric and, and putting down rock. There’s all this prep work that has to be done. So we ended up we measured out the backyard and we got the rock and you know, it’s 28 tons. And we ordered in two different parts, right? So we ordered it 14 tonnes a piece. And I don’t remember if I told this if I told this precursor story, but and maybe Brian hold will kick in and tell me I’ve already told about how the right God delivered and the guy dumped half of it while not having a big part of it on the street. I don’t want to go over old ground. I don’t remember what I talked about on the last show. But yeah, so the last so we had we had the first load Come on a Wednesday morning. And we had nine days to get it moved out of the way before the second load came. And you think yeah, that’s no problem 14 times I should be able to move that but this is all I’ve been doing, folks, this has been my nights and weekends has been as soon as it gets below like 103 degrees. I am out schlepping rocks and laying down fabric and cleaning and prepping. It’s just ridiculous the amount of work that it is. And of course, you know, moving the rock from the driveway into the backyard. I mean, in the furthest place from the backyard, that’s a that’s a pretty good run right there to get rock all the way to the farthest corner of the yard. So this is what I’ve been doing on a countdown knowing that I had to get the driveway clear by today. So five o’clock this morning, the guy showed up and dumped another 14 tons on my driveway of rock. So now though I’m not in any big hurry, I’ve taken the night off, I thought I would do a show. Be nice. So that’s where we’re at. So that’s been my life is schlepping rock, prepping ground laying fabric and working on my backyard. That’s it. That’s all I’ve been dealing with. You know, I still play Overwatch at night, you know, because once it gets dark, you don’t want to be moving wheelbarrows around of, you know, 300 pounds, you know, wheelbarrows full of rocks. And you don’t want to be doing it in 160 degree weather. So yeah, yeah, and just before So, I’ll give you a tattoo update. So I got a new tattoo, and my son has been bugging me about getting this tattoo since I got my first tattoo. He says, Dad, you should get this as a tattoo. You should get this as a tattoo. You really like this, you should get this as a tattoo. And I’ve been like yeah, so I got my Witcher tattoo and I got my my Monroe crest of arms, you know tattoo. And so finally I was able to be convinced to get my latest tattoo, which is Templeton from Charlotte’s Web, right? The guy voiced by the amazing Poland. And the the concept of the word crunchy runs around our house several times a week. And of course for you who are not big fans of Charlotte’s Web, the car the original cartoon from the 70s that may not that may not ring for you. But the the basic concept of Charlotte’s Web for those of you have no fucking clue what I’m talking about. Charlotte’s Web was a cartoon. It came from a book, Eb White is that the author’s name? I have to look it up. But it was a kid’s book that got turned into a kid’s cartoon, but it’s very, very dark. It’s a dark cartoon. And I love that stuff. It’s like the Hobbit, it’s like the same era of The Hobbit cartoon. And in this in this cartoon, they were going to slaughter the pigs. Or they were they were slaughtering the pigs. They were selling the pigs to go to a farm so they get fattened up, and of course butcher for me, right? Well, one of the pigs was born a runt and this girl’s dad was going to kill the pig. And so she goes and rescues the pig, and says she’ll raise the pig and why she didn’t die because it was small, blah, blah, blah. You know, hashtag growing pains. And so she she raises this pig. Well, eventually the dad says, Okay, you’ve had your fun raising the pig. Now. It needs To be it needs to be sold we need to we you know we can’t afford to feed the pig if it’s not making us any money so we’re gonna sell that we’re gonna sell the pig and we’re gonna sell the pig up the farm to your uncle your uncle’s place right and so the pig gets up there he gets to meet all of these new friends by the way all the animals talk in this in this cartoon and so Wilbur the pig shows up there and he befriends you know, Templeton, the pig, he befriends the sheep and the goose that the geese did living in the farm next door. And the sheep laid out for him. I mean, the sheep are great. There’s a no holds barred going out with those guys. And they basically say, you know, don’t get comfortable, because you’re not going to be here long enough to worry about it. And the pigs basically like what the fuck are you talking about? And it’s like, oh, yeah, come springtime, you’re going to be made into frickin You know, they’re going to chop your head off and turn you into, you know, pork chops and bacon. And of course, the pig freaks out. He doesn’t want to die, blah, blah, blah. And spider up, you know, up in the barn comes down, introduces herself. It’s a What is it? Debbie Reynolds plays the voice of the spider, the singer Debbie Reynolds. And so she comes down and says, I’m going to save your life, we’re going to come up with something cool, and you’re not going to get turned into bacon. I know this is a really long story to go about to tell you about this tattoo. But it’s it’s worth. Maybe it’s not worth it. But now it’s my show. So, so she writes a word in the web and her web that crosses the doorway. And I think the first one was some pig. And of course, a miracle spider web with these words in it brings the media and essentially, you know, buys Wilbur some time, as long as he’s a celebrity pig, you know, no one’s gonna turn them into pork chops and bacon, right? So eventually, you know, the press goes away. They’re tired of their stories. So Charlotte has to write another word in the web to get everybody to come back and pay attention to Wilbur. Make sure he doesn’t turn into cutlets. Right. And so I think the next one was I remember with a humble or whatever. Anyway, so she’s finally she needs words for the web. And so she sends the little rat Templeton out to fetch your word off of a box, or piece of trash somewhere. He’s a rat. He knows where all the trash is. So he goes out and tears a piece off of a he tears a piece off a box and brings it back and the word from the box is crunchy. And of course you know you’ve got the Paul invoices that look Charlotte, it says crunchy. And Charlotte’s like, Oh, no, no, no, we can’t put that in there that might get the farmer thinking about crisp cooked bacon. And it always cracks me up. I mean, that whole scene I can I can picture in my head and it still makes me laugh. And so unfortunately, there wasn’t a really good tattoo moment from the cartoon, where Templeton is holding this word crunchy where you can see it. So my tattoo artist is really really good. I sent him a picture of Templeton and I told him he needs to be holding a piece of paper that says crunchy. And so he draws he draws me up a great piece of artwork as usual. And so I got Templeton holding a piece of word, you know, holding a piece of paper that says crunchy on it. Now here’s here’s the what makes this tattoo more interesting than anything else. So I’m a I’m my both my my wife has a lot more tattoos than me now. In fact, she’s right now she’s actually at the tattoo parlor getting more tattoos even as we speak. But, you know, I carry feed my tattoos, tattoos require a lot of post work for the first couple of weeks after you get it for those of you who don’t know anything about tattoos, which I didn’t not that long ago. But you have to keep them clean and dry. And you I mean, cleanliness is you know, clean, clean and moisturized and dry every other point in time, right? So you got to understand I’m out with this fresh tattoo, digging up rock and dirt and everything else. When I think I managed to get it a little bit infected. Well, there’s a real interesting thing that can happen with a tattoo that gets infected. And I didn’t know anything about this until I got it and then I had to go and look it up and go oh shit, I guess that’s a that’s a thing. So in this tattoo is the only one that I’ve had to have my arm shaved for because it’s on the forearm. Well, maybe the other one had to get shaved too, I guess. But this one got shaved. And so now you have like new hair follicles right you have this, these follicles that are trying to break back through your skin. And so when the tattoo gets, it gets infected a little bit and inflames the skin around it. And here’s the funny thing. The inflammation causes an incredible it causes your hair follicles to spring into acne. like like like 14 year old boy acne and so it wasn’t it wasn’t shy about it either I mean it blasted my entire forearm and I still have some year I got like three or four pieces of it’s still here that haven’t that it hasn’t quite healed out yet but i mean i you know i woke up one day and looked at it I got a leopard going on or something I thought my arm was gonna fall off it was that bad. And of course you know took to Google and it’s like yeah, this this does happen you a little inflammation on that tattoo. And the hair follicles go batshit and you start getting chunks of acne and it’s like great great great so unfortunately I don’t think I kept it clean enough as I was doing my yard work and I think I got a little implemented insulin inflammation inflammatory action so all the inflammation is gone now so it’s all it’s all calmed down but I still have a little bit of the the inflammation acne is still there so there you go a little side story for those of you who are not tattoo literate and or and or maybe take better care of your tattoos and I did in this case, I probably should have wrapped it up or something. So very exciting to have another tattoo and I’m already planning my next set and here’s what I’m going to do. I am going to get famous logos from all my favorite old shit right? I’m going to get a greatest American hero logo the V logo you know from the miniseries v that red dripping blood v. I’m gonna get that on there. I’m going to I’m going to try to go through and find symbols and symbology that means a lot to me from film and television with my youth. And I’m going to I’m going to draft get my guy my I’m gonna have my artists do all the artwork for it, but I’ll send him pictures of this stuff. And he can he can make it look cool. So that’ll be my next set. I’m all excited now. This one by the way, hurt like shit. I mean, the other ones were were painful in spots, but this one ended up going on the inside of my forearm, the tail of Templeton and yeah, that yeah, that wasn’t that wasn’t pleasant. I’m not gonna lie to you. That was not a pleasant experience. But like anybody who gets addicted to tattoos will tell you. There’s almost some pleasure from the pain of getting tattooed. And being a guy that isn’t in the needles at all. I don’t like getting blood work done. I don’t like getting shots. I don’t like any of that stuff. You would think that getting a tattoo would be absolutely bonkers. But there’s it’s different. That’s all I can tell you. It’s different. Alright, so Brian Holt is talking about the prices of retro game physical media these days. And so there’s this whole big thing going on now. And it’s completely bonkers. Thanks to the internet, thanks to social media thanks to fucking crazy whacked out people. Our hobby of classic video gaming has pretty much jumped off the deep end, prices have become inflated. There’s this group what’s called water WETA. There’s this group who is making a business out of rating the the quality of these classic video games I’m talking about any s cartridges Gameboy cartridge is Super Nintendo cartridges. I’m talking about pretty much any old physical media has become completely let’s go on I restart my jets. It’s all quiet back here. I see my wife texted to I better answer her she’ll try to come. And I don’t even know what that was. DVD blah blah, blah. I don’t know what she she’s typing gibberish over there. So yeah, and so recently, you guys know I did that GB operator that turns your PC into like a Gameboy, Gameboy Color Gameboy advanced console, right? So you can actually plug physical media into this little cartridge slot. It’s connected via USB. And you can play these games pretty turnkey over on your PC. I know I know. There’s emulators and ROMs stuff like that. But there’s something people who collect retro games or classic games there’s that we have a we have a love affair with tactile displays of affection. We’d like to hold cartridges stat cartridges display cartridges. There’s we like the physical experience. You know, the people there they meanwhile there are people out there that complain and bitch I don’t have any room to hold movies. I don’t have any place to store boxes. And yet this generation complaining about not being able to have any place to store stuff is now driving up the prices of these retro gaming. retro gaming cartridges and content, and it’s absolutely ridiculous. So I got a little taste of it when I was shopping for Gameboy Color cartridges, and my friends are talking about trying to replace cartridges that they’ve lost, or cartridges that they’ve dreamed about owning in the past. And the market is absolutely batshit crazy. People are paying asking for and pain. Listen, here’s the thing, if people weren’t paying five 610 times what these games are actually worth, right? If they weren’t paying for them, people would stop selling them at that weird crazy ask price. But people are buying them. And this water or whatever this group is that is helping artificially inflate and doing it through sketchy means from what I understand, I understand that there’s some sort of, there are people that are actually going out to to to sellers on eBay, writing them offline and saying, hey, hey, you’re not charging enough for that game. Let me show you what that game is actually worth. And then these people pull the listings, and they put the game up for ridiculous amounts of money. Because people are telling them to because people are telling them they’re getting taken. They’re not they’re not charging enough for these for these games. And it’s this whole artificial market manipulation. And this stuff, listen, this stuff didn’t happen. Oddly, when it wasn’t social media driving this crap. There weren’t there wasn’t this conductivity of people. I don’t know. It makes me crazy. And it it’s all a matter of time before it affects something that you care about. There’s a what was it the recently actually, like really recently, like this week, a large pinball and video game museum is closing its doors. And it is auctioning off the video games. And we’re talking about arcade cabinets, right? We’re talking full size arcade cabinets, full size pinball machines, these things are going for prices that they have no business going for. I mean, when you’re talking about a Frogger machine going for $5,000? absolutely ridiculous, right? You’re talking about pinball machines going, you know, for five digits, it’s on real what’s going on with the market. And people who actually. So there’s all sorts of people that are involved in this, right. So there are people that are looking to make a living by x by by Commodity Exchange of retro games. Those are the people that are driving up the prices. Those are the people that are manipulating the market, and those are the people that are fucking it up for the rest of us who just want to relive a childhood memory. These guys aren’t buying these games to play or to love. They’re buying them to flip. They’re buying into profit. And I don’t know how they’re gonna I mean, I don’t know how you’re gonna turn a frog or machine around for five grand and make any money on it. And even if your dream was to own a frog or machine, you have lost your mind to pay $5,000 for one. So anyway, I don’t know. I don’t know enough to talk super intelligently about how the market is being manipulated. I just know that there are people who grew up who think that PlayStation two is classic retro gaming that are out there, buying up Gameboy cartridges Gameboy Color cartridges that are ruining for the rest of us. So I warn you with peace and love, peace and love. Please stop inflating these prices and stop manipulating the market and stop writing people on eBay telling them they’re not charging enough for these cartridges. You know, this is a $5 Gameboy game going for 30 bucks, you’ve lost your mind. You want something even remotely rare and interesting like a Bruce Lee Gameboy Advance cartridge, you want something like that? You’re talking five 600 bucks $600 for a Gameboy Advance cards. I don’t think there’s a single Gameboy Advance cartridge out there. That should cost more like more than $50 I mean, $50 and I’m trying to pull one out of my ass that would be even remotely worth that kind of money. And I just I can’t come up with one. So there you go. I am displeased by the entire thing. That wasn’t even on my list. That was a bonus con bonus content. Let’s see. So right now on Humble Bundle, calm there is a VR bundle. That includes several games that I highly recommend if you’re looking to add some PC VR titles to your collection. There’s some good stuff in there Arizona sunshine until you fall. Fisher the fisherman’s tale their wonder to other ones up there and it’s 15 bucks so if you are looking to score a nice VR bundle for your PC you could do a whole lot worse house flipper VR was another one that’s up there house flippers really popular and haven’t figured out why but yeah you can get up there and grab that I don’t know how long that sales good for so I wanted to make sure I got that out to talk about before you lost the opportunity. I grabbed the latest Star Trek 4k blu rays of the first four movies. And I’m gonna I’m gonna go on record here and I know I’m not alone. I’m not a huge fan of Star Trek The Motion Picture I never quite resonated with me. And to be honest, I haven’t probably watched it in 20 years I should probably go back and give it another look see, but I’ll be honest I mean here for you know the two three and four. And I wouldn’t have kicked five and six out of the collection either to be honest with you. I know I know Star Trek five Why does what would God need with the starship? We know that five is barely canon, but it’s still canon. It’s still the original cast. You know, bones has his best performance in there. Gaskin God, why he needs a starship is absolutely priceless. There’s plenty of good stuff in five. It’s just the sum of its parts. It’s just not a good movie, per se. And six, of course is fantastic. I would I would buy six separately in 4k blu ray right now, if I could get it. It’s not of these things. Look, I’ve actually looked at all of them. And they did a top first class job. First Class job. If you’re holding out wondering if they were just really shitty upscaled, you know 4k, you know, looking to score a buck, the pack for it’s 75 bucks on Amazon right now. And you get all four movies in 4k, and you get all four movies in blu ray. And so I mean, even if you’re just buying blu rays, that’s what 20 no 23 bucks a piece, something like that, which is actually a little high. If you were to piecemeal them out and buy them separately, it might turn out better, but you get them all in one nice package, you also get a digital code for those of you who are into that sort of thing. So you really get three copies of the film’s all four films, so it works itself out to a decent price and they look really really good. I took the liberty of using DVD fab to rip the four Ks down to 10 ATP SDR which essentially makes 10 an EP versions that preserve the HDR color that was there in the 4k. So it really, they really, really look nice. And I don’t have to worry about trying to stream 4k across you know, another crappy network somewhere. I don’t typically have four K’s movie ribs. On my Plex server, I pretty much rip everything down. If I’m gonna watch a 4k movie, I will watch it, you know, live off the disk. Because let’s be honest, you know, you’re paying top dollar for you know, an 80 kilobyte per minute, you know, per kilobyte per second transfer. Right? If you watch 4k off Netflix, you’re getting like 18 to 20k off the district getting don’t leave a message. If you’re watching it on a disk you’re getting at, so you’re getting four times the bit rate if you watch it on disk, that’s what I’m interested in. I bought I’m buying into 4k to get better quality copies. So that was one of my newer purchases. I’m going to pop open a drink here. And yes, it’s Pepsi zero with mango mango, mango mango. Ah, good stuff. So Star Trek, blu rays, if you’re looking for a recommendation, I give it to you. So I recently, so there’s some series that I go back to every few years and watch again, frankly, you know, like Prison Break or Spartacus, these are all these are all series that I would I would actually rather watch for the third, fourth or fifth time than to watch a lot of the crap that’s being shoveled out as content or passing for content that’s coming out these days. So I typically have a standby show that I can have that I’ve seen a lot that I can watch in the background while I’m working or like I hear in the hot tub like if I if I weren’t recording a show, I would probably have a background show on something I don’t have to pay a lot of attention to I can just bed. So I’ve been through Prison Break recently I’ve been through Spartacus not too long ago. I went through Star Trek The Original Series and went through Star Trek Voyager recently I went through the Incredible Hulk recently. And so I dusted off one of my guilty pleasures which challenges my man card. Now that you guys know that I’m susceptible to low testosterone This might make a lot more sense. Desperate Housewives, eight seasons was on ABC back about 2003 ish. This I love it. It’s got lots of plot twists. It’s it’s got some soap opera like qualities to it and I know it’s like do Desperate Housewives, you’re not allowed to be in the main club anymore. But I really enjoyed I really enjoyed the show and had lots of great celebrity cameos. I really enjoyed the show. And so today I finished the last episode of season eight. And I am done with watching Desperate Housewives again. But as I was watching it, I was noticing that I had television watermarks and a lot of them, you know, those creepy banners that they threw at the bottom of shows back then to tell you what’s coming on next, or what’s coming up next week, or all of these other things that tend to piss you off when you’re trying to watch a show. And so I was looking at that going, Yeah, you know, it’s okay, but I wonder how many of these I actually own on disk right? Because I’m okay having those on my Plex server, but I’d like to know that I have a physical media copy that is as pristine as humanly possible. Now these none of these are HD right? So Desperate Housewives, pre was a precursor to the HD revolution. And so what you got the best you’re gonna get is this series on DVD and I’ve got the first couple of seasons on DVD. But I never purchased any more of them so I went looking to see you know, God, these have to be cheap by now. First of all, it’s Desperate Housewives. And two, it’s old enough that you know, people have to be trying to offload these at some point. That’s when I discovered that Desperate Housewives was released in a giant all eight season collectible edition. And I’m like holy shit, this is the way to buy this stuff. You’ll wait till all the all the seasons are done, wait two or three years Okay, maybe more than two or three years. And then when the Ultimate Collection comes out with all the extras, another bonus disc, all sorts of extra goodies and everything on disk. That’s when you pull the trigger. So I hopped over to Amazon and they want $299 for this 299 I’m going yeah, I don’t want it that much. But you have to understand eight seasons at 22 to 26 episodes per season that’s a buttload of disk I think there’s a 96 disc or something not not 96 is how many guests are in this collection it’s a buttload so it’s $299 sounds like a lot until you start looking at eight seasons times 26 episodes times four episodes per disc right now you’re starting to go okay maybe $299 is not that far out there. So went over to eBay Of course because I don’t mind if somebody bought it opened it rip them all for their own entertainment and they left it sitting in a drawer somewhere and now they want to sell it and I managed to run across one for $175 I’m thinking well you’re talking close to half price now we’re now Now we got ourselves some game but I scroll down a little bit more and I’m glad I did here was a guy not buy it now for 175 but up for auction starting at $52. Well, duh. So I bid on it. I put it up to 100 bucks. I said I would be willing to pay 100 bucks and at auction and if I get sniped at the end well you know no big deal. I walked away with it for I think $58 and that included the bid and the shipping. So I managed to get the entire series on does physical media with a bonus extra bonus disc a bunch of inserts and goodies that came inside of it inside of a special collector’s case. And I got it for 58 bucks that was a deal for eight seasons of great TV so awesome. So now I don’t know what I’m gonna move on to next I’m sure I’ll find some other drivel to fill my time with but I was very pleased to be able to score that. Hey, speaking of retro gaming listener spin, listener spin sends in a sending a video where apparently somebody has got the licensing somehow some way somewhat to create Marble Madness to Jama boards. So Marble Madness two was a an unreleased prototype from Atari right everyone knows Marble Madness A lot of people don’t realize it was a Marble Madness to those that do know there was a Marble Madness to also have never gotten to play it. So because despite all of these great emulators we have there like three people on the planet that own a copy of an original arcade machine of Marble Madness two, and none of them are interested or hat we’re at least in the past, interested in ripping those ROMs down so that people can play the game from the comfort of an emulator and that kind of makes sense but it pisses everybody off at the same time. So I guess the Guess the goal between or the settlement in there was I’m not, we’re not going to rip the ROMs and give them away to everybody. But we will figure out a way to license them into a hardware fashion that will still sort of protect the brand and the value even though we all know that some diehard video game collector is going to buy one of these Jama boards, they’re going to pull those ROMs off and they’re going to rip them. They’re probably not before they sell a shitload of these Jama boards and make a really nice set of cash. So I don’t have any details. All I know is is that it’s coming and we’re finally going to have the opportunity it looks like to either own or get a rip of the ROM sets to play Marble Madness to which is very exciting. For those of you who have been attending these one or two rare video game shows where the owners of these cabinets bring them for a limited time for people to look at and play. Crazy stuff that How cool is that? I recently dug into Assassin’s Creed Valhalla. I always like to have a single player game on standby, something that I can play that I don’t need friends for. I don’t need to make an appointment with anybody and I don’t have to play with randos and I really liked Assassin’s Creed origins it was basically Witcher but in Assassin’s Creed skin thrown over it without the good story. And so I picked up Odyssey when it came out and I realized dude this is basically origin with you know, some different missions and it’s like you know what, and maybe I’m done with Assassin’s Creed for a while. Then Assassin’s Creed Valhalla came out which is Assassin’s Creed origins with with the Viking skin. It’s on my end, maybe I’ll take a pass. But I decided to put that to rest and take a stab at this Assassin’s Creed Valhalla. And it turned out that I liked it a lot. I got probably 15 or 20 hours into it, maybe a little less. And somehow they managed the pace of the game suddenly fell off. And it’s unfortunate. Essentially, you know how most of these games you know these open world sandbox games, there’s a main quest, which takes you from a story point A to Z. There are side quests that may loosely tie into the story right? That sends you off to do all this crap. But it’s not you can you can skip them or not do them or not. And then sometimes these games insert yet some other type of questing system. Well Valhalla introduces this thing called river rains. This is an artificial grinding piece. Essentially, your story gets you to a point to where you’re required or recommended. Sorry, recommended power is level 30 you get to this point in the story and you’re like level 14. Anyway, well shit, there’s nothing else for me to do. Your side missions are all kind of worked out. The only thing that are left are like a half a dozen of these river raid missions. And I’m not a huge fan of these rever raid missions. They’re basically they’re basically storming the castle, killing everybody storming the castle loot, get back to the raft. And that’s all you do over and over and over again. And so the game like grind into this serious halt, and I got pissed off and I stopped playing it. So we’ll see how we’ll see how that works out. The good news is Val Haim. One of my recommended games over the last year dropped a huge expansion called hearth and home, which adds tons and tons and tons of stuff to the game, which really makes me sort of want to start the game over again. And take another look. Alright, so let me see how long are we in here? We’re 38 minutes. I should probably tidy this up. Yeah, so Assassin’s Creed Valhalla. I’d like to talk I got three other big topics I want to talk about and I just don’t think I’ve got time to do any one of them. Any justice. So you know what, I’m going to stop here. We’re going to plan for another show soon. And I’m going to fill you in on Call of Duty Vanguard. I’m going to fill you in on the new switch game crouzon blast. And I have a couple of other topics I’d like to talk to you about including the new Witcher anime movie that’s on Netflix and got that to talk about so I’m gonna go ahead and in the show here, I hope you enjoyed having a show on time odd day. I’m Shane Armin row patency radio. We’ll see you next time. Take care everybody.
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