Hello everybody this is Shane R. Monroe and you are in the passenger seat with me it’s passenger seat radio, hot tub edition. It is October 21 2021. And we are in my backyard in my hot sun with a live brand new show just for you. Well, I put out some, I put out some feelers to let people know I was getting on a show, we’ll see if it happens to attract anybody into the live chat. Always fun when I have some feedback. And also, in case my phone gets wet or something, I guess on the last episode, the microphone maybe got wet on the bottom of my phone. And apparently it trashed, like a good portion of my windows 11 discussion, which is very unfair. Hey, now Alex J. Lopez is here. Apparently it trashed my windows 11 discussion. So we may have another episode of the show in the future. Just talking about Windows 11. I’ve got some new stuff to talk about with Windows 11. Anyway, so maybe we’ll maybe we’ll get back to that. For those of you I know a lot of people were like I really wanted to, I mean, they were really into the windows 11 thing. But unfortunately, it just wasn’t clear enough for everybody to enjoy. So we may go back into it and we’ll talk again about it. But I’ve got so much crap to talk about talking about now. That you know, I don’t know, I think I think we better just get to it. Alright, so let me take care of some small stuff that’s been sitting here forever on my list. So real quick, Call of Duty Vanguard. A lot of people know I’m a huge Call of Duty fan people have asked me what do I think about Vanguard? Am I all excited about Vanguard? And the truth is, at this moment, I’m not super excited about it. I played the beta. And you know, I might, I could I could be righteous and say, I’m gonna skip Call of Duty this year. But you know what, it never happens. I always get sucked back in. And I know my weaknesses and call of duty is one of my weaknesses. So you know, I am going to, I’m going to approach it with kid gloves and say, I may not preorder I may not have it day one, but I’m sure that I’m sure that once the price starts coming down, everyone’s talking about it. I’ll be all over it like I am every single year. But I’m not nearly as excited this year as I had been in the past. And one of the reasons and I hate to say it, but I’ve been looking forward to some sledgehammer zombies. And I’ll tell you why. Everybody knows at least if you listen to this show with any sort of regularity. They Call of Duty Infinite Warfare is my favorite. Well, yeah, I dare say it’s my favorite Call of Duty of all time. And that’s largely due to sledgehammer zombies in Spaceland. Right? huge fan of that and I really wanted Hey, Brian holds here. I really want to get back to what zombies in Spaceland kind of was I liked almost all of that series, right? Because they released new map packs, and each one had a new zombies and aside from beast from beyond, which I thought was kind of weak, but you know, I don’t know if I gave it enough opportunity to impress me. But the Elvira you know, the Raven, the redwoods with Kevin Smith, all that stuff was fun. And I like that style. It’s not that I’m not having fun with the current dark ether zombies, but I don’t know, I was hoping that Vanguard would give us some some sledgehammer zombies. And that’s not what we’re going to get. So that that sort of lightens my excitement, just a little bit about that as well. And dusting off the switch, we’re going to talk about the switch OLED later on in the show. But one of the one of the titles that sort of brought me back to paying attention to my switch again, was crouzon blast made by raw thrills, which is of course, Eugene Jarvis, his company. He of course, the mastermind behind the early Williams games like robotron, which of course is easy on my top one of my top five favorite games of all frickin time. So Eugene Jarvis, you know, the guy really can do anything wrong or bad. He also did target terror for the arcade and the amazing report of target terror is something that you definitely don’t want to miss. If for some reason you missed it in the arcade. Absolutely awesome. It’s like an area 51 type game or, or Lethal Enforcers, but just totally batshit crazy. I love it. I love raw thrills. I love Eugene Jarvis and cruisin blast own crap. Here’s Travis here to heckle me. The cruisin blast is a fantastic game and if your switch has been gathering dust, like my switch has been gathering dust crouzon blast may be the savior to get you back interested in your swing. Again, especially now the Diablo two servers can’t stay up longer than a couple of days. And they’re offering all sorts of condolences. And they gave us this big transparent speech online about what happened to the servers and why their server problems. And, you know, you should only lose a couple of minutes of your year. But you don’t want you know, they’re not answering Why the hell, I have to have their servers to play an offline character. So once again, once again, we can own a game on a cartridge, we can own a digital download, but the game has zero value if their servers aren’t up as in, you can’t use it at all. And frankly, I think that’s absolutely a warrant. And I believe, frankly, that you shouldn’t be there should be a law saying that if you use the term offline, offline mode, offline game offline character, quite frankly, you should be able to play without an internet connection. And if you can’t, then you get sued for false advertising, something like that, you there should be penalties for creating a game that says offline, and then requiring their servers to be up to play it. That’s just my thought for what it’s worth. So Diablo two was fun for a while now it’s a complete mess. So maybe what you need to do is go check out cruise and blast, which is giving me tons of fun. Let’s see what’s next on the list. So steam deck is getting closer and closer to launch. And for those of you who are following the steam deck news, a couple of interesting things have happened. Developers are getting their hands on the machines. And apparently, if there’s any sort of NDA is going on the NDA is are actually penalties for me complaining about a 20 year old game. This is not a 20 year old game. This is a game that came out this year. It’s not my fault that it’s a remaster. And quite frankly, you know, the fact that they touted how they kept all the original code. And it’s the original game and it’s all accurate. The the inaccuracy of that is the fact that I can no longer play it offline like I could 20 years ago. Back Back to steam decks. And now the Travis has had his Heckle for the day. So the steam deck is now got a new account called on deck if you go to Twitter you search for on deck, you will find a new account that valve is running their goal before release is to run every single steam game. And God I don’t even know what the number is on that. But dammit, it’s got to be a lot how I own 800 games on Steam. You imagine what the Steam library is in toto. But their goal is to be able to present the end user when steam deck ships a visual cue as to the quality as to the quality of that game being played on the steam deck. In other words, it plays perfectly, they plays great with a little bit of work from you, or it’s considered incompatible or doesn’t play well as is right. So their goal is to be able to offer you a section on Steam that says great on Steam. And that are on Steam deck. So now you know, without further ado, what kind of quality of life you’re going to get with a given game we’re playing on the steam deck. Now a lot of anti cheat engines, such as easy ci, easy anti cheat, and a couple of other ones have already got their stuff working on the steam deck. So a lot of those big top 10 games that weren’t going to run on the steam deck as of a couple of months ago, are now going to be ready to go for day one. They’re also the proton communities alive valve is working with the proton community. It’s It’s It’s very exciting thing. And as I was saying before I started getting heckled. The developers are getting their units. And they’re testing their own games against it. And they’re posting videos, which says to me a couple of things. One, if they’re under an NDA to not discuss the capabilities of the steam deck, then the NDA is pretty light saying yeah, you can show off your own games all you want, which is great. That’s what we want. We want developers getting a hold of this thing, running the game through their paces. And sharing with us just how great or even not great, that game happens to work. So there’s lots of good stuff going on there. If you go on Twitter to the on deck account, it’s being run by Valve themselves. You’ll see a lot of great interesting stuff about the steam deck. And I’m very excited. I’m a huge fan. I’m all excited about it. I can’t wait to get my paws on one. So let’s flip over to the VR world for a minute. And many of you probably have noticed I’m not talking about VR much. I’m not writing articles about VR very much. And I’m not even doing videos about VR very much at this point. And that’s you pretty clear why I do not want to give Facebook any fucking support on their takeover their hostile takeover of virtual reality. In fact, Facebook is going to change their name. Now we all know that it’s really not about proving their commitment to the metaverse. It’s really about trying to get people to forget that they own Instagram, that they own WhatsApp, they own all of the tools that people are being harmed by on a daily basis. And Facebook has been in the news, I’ll tell you what. You don’t have to listen to me rant about it, Travis, go do your own research, the whistleblowers are coming out all of the nasty shit that Facebook has been doing to you, it’s finally starting to come to a head. And if you guys listened to it, and you continue to use Facebook, and you continue to buy Oculus products that’s on you. I mean, I just read an article within the last week, proving that Facebook has so much data on you that an advertiser is able to directly target an individual. Right? An individual can be targeted through Facebook’s advertising system. If that doesn’t bother the shit out of you. It should. It really, really should. So let’s talk a little bit about that. Right. So recently, in the last couple of months, a tool has been released called Oculus. Oh, cu l e s s. It’s like topless, t o p le. s s, it’s Oculus. Right Oh, cu le SS this GitHub tool. There’s an APK you download, you download it on your quest to and you run it. And everything about Facebook is removed, the entire everything all telemetry, all updates. Anything that Facebook can do to monkey with you on that quest to is is is removed. So if you really want a quest to, and you are okay with piracy, because obviously you can’t buy anything, if you’re not connected to Facebook, you can’t use any of their stupid social networking crap on there. Fine by me. If you really want in a Facebook less Oculus, it’s possible now. Now that’s also going to kill you from being able to use virtual desktop. For a lot of people that is the kiss of death. For me, that is the kiss of death. For as long as I can at least pretend to be a legitimate user, I can use virtual desktop. And to me virtual desktop is the only is the only way I would recommend being able to use a quest to that’s completely disconnected from Facebook. When they get that figured out. We’ll be good to go. But for those of you who may not care, and all you’re looking for is a way to play doctor beef ports, or to play beat Sabre or play other pirated software on your quest to which by the way, the piracy community on the quest is alive. And Easy peasy. I’m not going to get into details here. But I will tell you that if you’re looking to buy a quest to disconnected completely from Facebook and do nothing but play pirated software, and legitimate sideloaded software from side quest that’s available right now, you can have it today if that’s what you want to do. So the other thing I wanted to talk to you about the Oculus. But the other thing I wanted to talk to you about is the facade bullshit nonsense that Facebook is putting out about Resident Evil four. Now if you follow any type of VR news, you probably know the Resident Evil for the VR edition has been released on the quest to now you will go up to that website and they will tell you that this is only available on quest two. If you want to play Resident Evil, you must be on quest two, I can tell you right now, I know people personally that are willing to give up their Oculus quest one, give up their disconnected Oculus account, engaging Facebook and via quest to just to be able to play Resident Evil in VR. I’m telling you right now, it’s complete horseshit. And we heard early on by the guy that actually writes virtual desktop Now why does he have any insight? I don’t know. But why would you go on record as saying something like this if you didn’t have inside information? This isn’t speculation he knew something. And what he said or guy said was about Resident Evil two, there’s no reason it will only run on quest two, you’ll be able to run it on the quest one. And it turns out he was completely right. In fact, if you were to download a pirated copy of Resident Evil VR, and install it on your quest one it works just fine. Not even a little innuendo that says you know this is best played on quest two, you should really be playing it Nananana No, it works exactly the same. Now did shader, do the compiling of the shaders make the visual quality lower? I don’t know. All I know is, is you don’t have an exclusive title that does first run optimization for the hardware that it’s running on, if it’s only going to be running on one piece of hardware. So this is bullshit. Facebook is manipulating you and the whole reason they’re doing it and we all know this. This isn’t about the quest one just can’t handle it. It’s you have to have a quest to look at all the more power you’ve got bullshit. They want you off the quest one so that you’ll get rid of your face your non Facebook account by any quest to where they have more telemetry tracking on you. And there you go. That’s what they’re up to. They’re not up to anything glamorous. They’re basically railroading you and in about three to six months, I guarantee you that Facebook will magically release Oh, now everybody gets to play Resident Evil VR so quest one people you get it, they’ll probably even release a PC version. So if you’re one of those people that are holding out, or you’re getting ready to, to throw in the towel, and get a quest to just you can play Resident Evil and VR just wait or turn to piracy like everybody else. That’s it about that. And I promise you that’s the last of my Facebook tirade for today. Let’s talk about what’s your nightmare of the wolf. How about that? So we all know that Witcher is completely overexposed now, even with a kids show coming? That’s right, that’s right. They’re gonna release a kid show version of The Witcher, The Witcher mythology, which to me, is absolute bullshit. And I don’t care what anybody says I don’t care how they defend it. Making a kid’s version of Witcher is absolutely retarded and ridiculous. Peace and Love, Peace and love. But we all know that we have the video game incredibly popular video game. We got Superman playing him on TV, right? So we’ve got a witcher television series, we got this kid’s show coming. And so of course it doesn’t. It doesn’t really make any headway or splash to say oh, well there’s an anime and an anime which are too like who gives a shit? This has become so overexposed. I’m almost I’m almost I’m almost embarrassed at this point to have a witcher tattoo now because it used to be cool. Now it’s just more randomized bullshit that’s made popular by netflix but I digress. So I was told by a friend of mine Chris Henshaw, who is should be on here, but he’s not. But I really needed to give this Witcher nightmare of the wolf Alexey. It’s a prequel, which doesn’t follow the overexposed guarantee of rivia but rather follows his mentor and early Witcher messonnier. And of course, as the mirror can be seen in the video game, you will hear him mentioned in other Witcher, Witcher lore, but in reality, he doesn’t get nearly as much love as he probably should. Well, that’s where this Netflix Witcher nightmare of the wolf comes into play. It ends with an introduction of a child, Gehrels, but it leads up to a point where it’s all that similar story. And it’s a good story. And to be to be honest with you, I did not go in looking for anything I waited for somebody else to vet it out. And I went in expecting absolute shit pretentious nonsense. But quite frankly, I was very very pleased by what I saw they didn’t cut back on the gore just because it’s animated. There’s heads flying off eyeballs being plugged. It’s all awesome. So listen, I’m a big fan. I recommend it. If you have not seen it yet. Check it out. And you should know that there are there is more anime which are coming from Netflix. At least one more movie. We’ll see how it goes from there. So peace and love peace and love, which are nightmare of the wolf is worth you looking at. recently announced in pre orders are now available for the arcade one up cabinet of Tron. Now listen, the Tron video game holds a very special place in my heart. If you ever walked into an arcade back in the 80s you don’t really see it anymore. Even if you go to a retro arcade. It’s sort of lost its luster. But the Tron arcade cabinet was something like you’d never seen before. And the Tron cabinet in addition to having a very unique control panel, in terms of the type of control that it used, and I’ll talk about that in a minute. It had this unbelievable black light and neon glow coming from it. You walk into an arcade in the 80s you saw the Tron machine all the way across the room. It caught your eye. It was cool as shit it made you want to pump quarters into it without even seeing the game and As a bonus, it is what is known as an MCR game belly midways tic I don’t even know what MC R stands for. Somebody can probably help me out with that. But there’s a very distinctive look to all MCR games from Bally Midway and I don’t know why it’s distinctive, other than tell you that the graphics almost shimmer and glow. And if you look at other games like saints hollow, right, these are dominant man, what are some of the other ones that have this? These MCR games have this very cool, unique graphic style. And it wasn’t like the difference between raster and vector it was still raster graphics but the engine or something it was just it was way cool. And so Tron not only had this arcade cabinet that immediately drew you in, it had an unusual control panel. But the graphics themselves if you were watching the demo mode or you’re watching somebody else play it the shimmering glimmering looking NCR graphics from Bally Midway were just blew you away. So there’s all sorts of reasons to love this thing. And of course, it’s based on Tron for crying out loud. And inside this arcade game feature for games for many games, based on the course the the original Tron movie. This includes entering the MCP code, fighting grid bugs, light cycle battles, right and of course, fighting against enemy tanks, all of which, except for the grid bugs, let’s be honest, the grid bugs, the grid bugs had like a 10 second maybe or less pop up inside the original movie. And that’s it. But inside the video game, you get to fight the grid bugs. So you play this over and over again, right? So you start off on it. All of the levels are named after programming language, which is pretty cool, like basic AAPL. All this, all these cool programming languages are represented as level names. So you would play all four many games and then they would take you to the next level, and the mini games get harder. And harder and harder and harder and harder. And eventually you get to user level, right? Because user is the most awesome possible level you can obtain in Tron right users are all powerful. So once you get to the user level on Tron, it’s always user level over and over again is I remember, right, the levels are randomized after that. So while you can memorize patterns for light cycles or entering the MCP, once you get to user level, you’ve really got to be on your toes because all the levels randomize. And you have literally 500 milliseconds on the light cycles to see what their patterns are going to be so that you can counter it with your pattern, right? So it’s a very interesting game, the control panel itself is completely unique. So on your right hand is a giant like a flight stick, like almost like a flight yoke, and it comes right off of board, right? So if you know what that stick looks like for golf at the arcade, it’s the same control stick. There’s still a fire button, right? But it’s got this, this pitching as light in and it’s all glowing blue. Again, it just totally sucks you in. It’s not the Tron logo on the face of it. And on your other hand is a spinner. Right? It’s a spinner like Tempest or major havoc any of these games that have a spinner control. So you haven’t like an eight directional joystick with a fire button along with a spinner controller, and the spinner will spin trontz arm the spinner will spin the tanks turret right? amazing game and frankly, to see a home arcade version that also includes discs of Tron is really cool. Now here’s the problem. It’s 700 bucks, right? It’s one of those half size you know, it’s like it’s an arcade one up Kevin, you’ve seen him you know what I’m talking about. But it’s Tron and discs of Tron. And it’s 700 bucks. And so a lot of my friends have reached out to me already saying gotcha, you’re gonna get that Tron camp. I know you’re a big fan. And it’s like had been $400 we could talk about that. I don’t know where I’d put it but it’s so bad ass. Gotta have it, but it’s 700 bucks. It’s a it’s a swinging a miss for me. But I’m very excited that it’s available. I’ll be curious to see just how good it is. But for those of you who don’t balk at the term of $700 for an arcade accurate Tron and disk of Tron machine, listen. It’s it’s kind of a no brainer. So I get a note from Nvidia, right so I’m on there. Nvidia sends me their news. They’re there. What do they call that? Under like a disclosure right so they send me news like a week early embargo news, that’s the word. So I get embargo news like a week early from Nvidia. So anytime they’re gonna announce something new, something cool something crazy. There’s those of us who are part of their press release, where we get this embargoed news like up to a week early so we kind of know what’s going on. before it hits the mainstream we have an opportunity to have articles or whatever ready to to discuss when that news officially hits. So many of you probably already know what GeForce Now is. GeForce Now is Nvidia’s paid per month streaming service. So it used to be when it was in beta anything you own in your Steam library, you could play on GeForce Now then all of a sudden, as soon as it left beta, all of these developers like Blizzard and some of these indie developers all said wait, wait, are making money from ourselves we are going to tell you you can’t have your product on our streaming service. So everything from Blizzard disappears. So no Call of Duty no Overwatch, so a lot of stuff disappeared. And suddenly GeForce Now went from holy shit for five bucks a month, I can play all 800 games for my Steam library to oh shit for five bucks a month, I can play 20 games from my Steam library, it suddenly became less of a great deal. Of course, every single week, Nvidia announces to the world here is Nvidia now or GeForce Now Thursday, and we’re going to release a whole bunch of new games, they’ve made agreements with the publishers, whatever, I don’t understand why I can rent a piece, I can’t run a PC in the cloud and run whatever the hell I want on it. If you run a shadow PC, there’s no limit I can install and play Overwatch on there. I don’t understand why GeForce Now has been to the will of publishers. But that’s neither here nor there. We’ve already bitched about that. My point is, is there’s a new version of GeForce Now die. Because the other version wasn’t enough, we now give you availability to get your own GeForce Now RT x 3080 edition, right? So right now I think you can get a 2016, a GTX, 2016, with ray tracing dlss, all that good stuff. For I don’t remember, I don’t know how much it moved up to now per month, but it’s a monthly fee, and you get access to their servers and you can stream games over Now we all know I’m not a fan of streaming games, when there’s no such thing as real ownership there to your at the will of your Wi Fi or your the will of your internet. And quite frankly, I’ve yet to see any gaming service that provides me with enough quality to make me want to play it over a locally installed version of the game. But here’s the kicker. So the idea that right now you can’t buy a 3000 series GTX card. So this is a great time the sons of bitches yet they’re, you know, so you can’t buy a 30 at on the street, but they’ve got a big giant server farm that’s loaded with 3080s. Maybe they should be getting those to the hands of the consumer, instead of hoarding them for their data centers. Who knows? But I digress. So if those of you who have been holding out to get a 15 $100 GPU, right, maybe all of a sudden, that sounds pretty good. But wait a minute. One thing we haven’t talked about is how much does it cost? Yeah, that’s the real shocker. That’s the real sticker price. shocker there. $200 a year. Wow. $99 for six months of service with GTX 3080 compatibility in your virtual server $200 a year. That’s a lot of bank for something you never own. You can never take with you. And when you stop paying and it goes away, and you have absolutely nothing to show for your money. I find that appalling. Listen, I’m a huge Nvidia fan. I’m a big cheerleader. But you’re talking about $200 a year for something you never ever, ever get to quantify. As ownership. I can’t do it. I can’t do it. I don’t care how good it looks. I already know what it looks like. I already know what streaming gaming looks like. And it ain’t all that. I mean if you really want streaming gaming go with their current, whatever the lowball version is and get a 2080 or 2060 and play your games that way. You’re gonna be streaming this over, probably for a lot of you you’re going to be streaming it over your Wi Fi, which is ridiculous. Right? So anyway, I thought I’d bring that up because I even I can’t believe that Nvidia has the the bronze satchel to do that unbelievable. Um, be lievable What else do I got? So let’s talk about some old stuff for a change. Let’s talk about that. So I know a lot of my listeners here are Are carryovers from retro gaming radio so I like to go back to the classic stuff from time to time on the Commodore 64 Activision released a so so version of the IP of transformers. That’s right Transformers The computer game. And this was written by industry legend David Crane, which normally means it would be quality. But if you ask anybody, what do you think of the Transformers game on the Commodore 64 from Activision, you’ll probably get lukewarm response, if warm at all. So why am I even talking about if it kind of sucks? Being David cranes work or not. If you were to flip that disk over on your Commodore 64 1541 disk drive and plug it in and boot from it, there’s a little something special it’s an introduction to the world of transformers. Now, a lot of people, even people who bought the game probably didn’t even know there was something on the backside of the disc because frankly, nine 9% of the time, there was no backside of the disc. And if it was a flipper, or flippy nature about the game, it was the Atari 600 400 800 version. On the flip side, like if you bought shoplifter from broderbund or karateka from broderbund. Once I had the Commodore 64 version, the other side had the Atari 800 version. So most people probably aren’t looking at the backside of their floppies on the backside of transformers. The computer game is a it’s like a slideshow, listeners. It’s a voice over laid slideshow telling you all about the transformers. I’m talking digital audio digital speech in the Commodore 64. Like Yeah, listen, we all play an impossible mission. Right? But what we’ve seen little tiny blurbs and blips of digital speech, not like a five minute, like a five full minute slideshow with voiceover. What the fuck? So I reached out to David Crane on Twitter, and said, Hey, the fuck did you pull that off? I mean, I don’t know how I don’t remember how big the site of a 1541 disc is a low density, five and a quarter inch disk. My my my, my recall, wants to say it’s 160 kilobytes, not megabytes, not gigabytes. kilobytes. The average Word document is like 20 times bigger than one side of a Commodore 64 disk. And yet here we are with five minutes of digital audio, and slideshow. What the fuck? How is that even possible? So I reached out to the man himself, David Crane, who I’ve interviewed many times. And I’m really shocked that we didn’t go into detail in any of these talking about this. But let’s but now we know how they pulled it off. So active, we all know that the 1541 disk drives incredibly slow. That’s why we bought things like the action or the Action Replay cartridge, the epic fast load cartridge, anything to make the 1541 disk drive faster. What Activision they created their own disk base fast loader. So if you ever bought an Activision game, and you saw sort of these weird little lines on the screen while it was loading, that was Activision, proprietary, fast loader running. That’s how, that’s how they got their games to run fast that automatically disabled epics fast load and these other things. And it gave them sort of an edge, you didn’t have to have any special hardware to boot Activision games very, very quickly. So apparently, David Crane got ahold of this fast loading technology, and made it even better, even faster, like ridiculously fast. The problem was that for loading a game or playing a game, it just wasn’t reliable enough. So he then decided, maybe I could use this in some other way. So essentially, long story short, he was able to do four bits, not a bit, not 16 bit, not 64 bit, four bit digital audio on the Commodore 64. And because of this remarkable, crazy ass fast loading system that he appropriated, and then extended, he was able to stream it sounds like nothing now I get it. But think about this 160 kilobyte disk has five minutes have audio on it. Even if it’s in four bit. This guy was able to stream it on the slowest fucking hard or floppy drive on the planet. He was able to stream it in real time for Big digital audio. Absolutely batshit crazy. You know, people say I don’t understand why David Crane is that big. I don’t even like pitfall. But David Crane was doing shit like this. He was he unlocked the power of hardware that other people weren’t doing. That’s why he went to Activision. That’s why he left atari and went to Activision so that they could exploit and get credit for their exploitation of the hardware that I mean, nobody was doing the shit that Activision was doing on the, on the Atari 2600. And so that’s why this guy is is worth his his saltiness, right is the fact that this guy was reinventing shit as he went along. And that’s when you see geniuses like Nolan bush now or Eugene Jarvis or these other people that weren’t saying, What can I do on these devices? They were saying, Let me do shit I’m not supposed to be able to do on these devices. And that sort of thing is kind of gone, right? I mean, that sort of thing doesn’t exist, because you throw more RAM and video ram or whatever, at it. You’re good. So anyway, I thought that was an interesting side story. For those of you who listen for the retro slant. What do I got here for you? What’s my time look like? 36 minutes. Okay. So let’s talk about my washing machine. I know, great topic. So about a year and a half ago, I had my dryer fixed. And when the guy was there, I said, Hey, you know, you look at my washing machine. You know, give me some idea here. And he’s like, you know, dude, the, frankly, your washing machines on its last legs, you’re gonna be lucky to get much more time out of it. Keep my card, because I’ll be back here in six months or less, right? And I said, Okay, what would it take you so what’s wrong with it. And so he went and told me, and I don’t remember exactly what it was. But there’s some sort of bearing that sits underneath the basket. And essentially, to replace, it’s like 800 bucks. Right? It’s $800 to replace your tank. I remember 1012 year old washer. And the only reason I thought about it for more than two seconds is because we move that washer and dryer in before we enclosed the laundry room area at this point in time, right at that point in time, I should say, there’s no opening big enough to move that washer out, or that dryer. There’s no way to get new appliances in there. So you’re saying $800 to fix a washer, versus knocking a three foot wide by four foot tall hole in my wall to get this shit out. You’re starting to think maybe the $800 doesn’t sound like a crazy idea. So I asked the guy, when I talked to him, I said, hey, let’s say I decided to replace this thing. And I figured out some way to get the new washing machine in here. You see these things? 10 times a day. What am I looking for? What’s the brand name I’m looking for? And he said, any company that makes electronics, throw them out? No, Samsung, no LG, don’t go anything off brand, like high sense, right? Anything that has a lot of internet conductivity. You’re paying for that you’re not paying for a good washer and dryer says you get a Samsung or LG in here. I’ll see you in 18 months. All right, well, shit. I said can I stick with the big brands? Can I stick with Maytag Whirlpool? He’s like, yeah, you should still be safe there. He said, but they’re not all created equal. Do your research. And I said, All right. You’re the expert. You see these things every day. My family goes through a ridiculous amount of laundry. What should I buy? Forget about the Price. What should I be buying to put in here? And he’s like, you want the truth? Speed Queen and I’m like, wait a minute. speedring What the hell is that? Are those the guys that make like washers and dryers for like laundromats? And he’s like, Ah, so you’ve seen their work? And I’m like, Yeah, I said, I didn’t know they made home units. And he’s like, well, they make home units. But they’re really commercial units. That’s why they last for 2025 years. And he said the problem though is twofold. One, they gain cheap, you ain’t gonna get a $600 speed queen. And two, you’re not going to be able to go to Home Depot or Lowe’s or any other appliance store like Best Buy you’re not gonna be able to go to any of these places and get a speed Queen I’m like well okay, that’s all right. So what do I have to do ordered online? I hate that shit, but I like someplace where I can take it back if there’s a problem and he’s like well, the only place you can buy one is at Spencer’s. I’m like the rental place. You know, you’ve got a friend in the business was Spencer’s it’s like, yeah, so they rent you equipment that ends up costing 10 times more by the time you pay it off. I wasn’t interested in that. He’s like, No, no, you can buy him, but you can expect to pay about 1500 bucks. I’m like, Whoa, whoa, whoa, 15 $100 for a washer. I mean, I mean top of the line. You know, whirlpools you’re talking about 800 bucks. Double the money. And now I mean that Listen, I get it. It’s the best of the best of the best with honor, sir. But hey, he’s like, you know, let’s I ain’t your papa he is ain’t your papa. That’s the line for my friends that will get that but I ain’t your papa. But listen, if it were me, and I was in your shoes, and I was gonna replace it anyway. Don’t spend the 800 bucks knock a hole in the wall and put a speed queen in here. I’m like, thank you for your thank you for your advice, sir. I did not listen to set advice. I got a whirlpool. And I got a fairly expensive Whirlpool was closing in on 900 bucks. So I didn’t go by the high sense washer. The week they did Best Buy’s discounting is four years old now. I bought something that should have been quality. Fast forward to about 13 months into owning this washer. And there’s a reason i say 13. Because the warranty is only good for 1213 months in my wife says hey, there’s an error code on the washing machine. Can you take a look, I thought it was an unbalanced load. I thought it was one of these simple things. But now it’s the dreaded f two e two error message. And if you look that up, basically, it’s a controller board failure. That’s right. And the controller board according to made whirlpools, own website, what’s right may tags websites, I say wearable to Maytag. And according to their website, this controller board is $400 for that controller. Now that’s just to buy the board. That’s not to have somebody come put it in. So I don’t know what that’s gonna cost. So throw another couple 100 bucks. Now you’re talking about $600 for a controller board. And so I’m like, Look, if I am going to fix this thing, I’m going to need to open it up and see what that controller board looks like maybe I can’t even get to it. Maybe I’m unable to fix this. So I need to really understand what we’re talking about here. So I unplugged it, found some videos on YouTube, blah, blah, blah. And I was able to get in and see where the control board was. And so I’m like, Yeah, okay, I could probably replace this. I think I think I can replace this. This doesn’t look doesn’t look that hard. So I put it all back together and plugged it in boom. error codes gone. Wait, what, what what? Suddenly a bad controller board is now an OK controller board. So we ran a load of laundry through it, and it’s fine. And it’s been fine for months. All of a sudden, out of nowhere, we’re talking about 18 months into washer ownership at this point. f two e two has reappeared. And I’m like, you know what? Alright, I get it. I was warned. I didn’t take the warning. And now I’m done. So I go back to me tags website, and I’m looking it up. Of course, it’s not under warranty. But hey, let us help you find a service provider. And we’ll get you some service. So I scheduled the service. I look I look up the first available date, which is October 26. And this was a few days ago. And I’m like dude, I can’t live without laundry for a week, two weeks, what hour long it takes for me to get a worst working washer. We know that too much laundry to do. That’s not even an option. So they named the facility that’s got an opening on the 26th. It’s called Dino’s appliance repair out of Mesa. And so I thought, Okay, how about I call them directly and see if the 26 is really the earliest day they had come out? Turns out the earliest day they could come out was tomorrow. So I’m like, great. Well, you come out and take a look at this thing. It’s fixed itself before maybe something gets wiggled loose in there. I need a professional to come out and take a look at it and tell me what we’re talking about. And so the guy comes out, he does that board. He does not have that board in stock, right? He didn’t get one. But he doesn’t have one. He comes out and he’s like, yep, I know the model. And I know this controller board. And the downside of this is one the controller boards 400 bucks. And I said I knew that I looked that up myself. He’s like, well, that’s one thing. If we can get one at that point in time, he didn’t know he could get hold of one. He just knew he didn’t have one. And he said to the problem is there’s two controller boards and they tend to go out in pairs. There’s a controller board that’s up here by the control panel and there’s a controller board that sits on the main body of the washer. He says I could change that main board out in three months, six months, I’ll be back changing out that other board and he said that other board is almost 400 bucks on its own as well. So you’re looking at 800 bucks, roughly, man, yeah, you’re looking at about 800 bucks to repair this if we can get the parts. And I said, Well, shit. And he’s like, Maytag won’t take care of you. And I’m like, it’s not under warranty. And he’s like, well, you might be able to call them. Screen poured screen foul, say, How dare you give me an 18 month washer, you sons of bitches, almost using that exact terminology, by the way. And he said, you might be able to get him to replace the parts. They’ll send them to us, and we’ll come out and I’m like, Well, what is that? What are we talking about? I can’t be without a washer for two weeks, three weeks, four weeks, whatever. And he’s like, yeah, expect the parts to be two weeks, and then a scheduling to get out. And that’s if you can get Maytag to cover it. Right. And I was on the phone with Maytag once before. And quite frankly, I couldn’t get ahold of anybody in the warranty department and get somebody in sales. But you can’t get anybody in the warranty department without being on hold for four frickin hours. So I’m like, Okay, so we’re talking once again, about buying a new machine being cheaper than fixing this one if I can’t get warranty service. He’s like, unfortunately, that’s the case. They literally says how much laundry do you do? And I go, we’d go through a lot of laundry. I said, I don’t know how we go through so much laundry for three people. But we go through a metric ass load of laundry. And he said, so let’s say you decide to replace this. Get a speed queen. And I’m like, dude, you are so not the first person to tell me that. And he’s like, speed queens are built to last 20 years. 25 years. It’s all American parts. Right? They cover their shit. full full back bumper to bumper. For three, five or seven years depending on what model you get seven years of bumper to bumper that’s not drive train warranty like the frickin Maytag 10 year warranty is right. And I said, Dude, the sticker on the front is so misleading. But yeah, you mean this 10 year warranty? That covers two parts that are never going to go out on you? Yeah, that’s how they get you. Like son of a bitch. I said the speed Queen stuff is bumper to bumper. Oh, yeah, you will pay no parts you will pay no labor. All of their parts are made in the United States. We’re not sitting on a boat in Los Angeles port somewhere right now. He said. He said, this is this is what you want to get. You’re gonna have cleaner clothes. They’re better built. Not No, not only they just better built, they clean better. Right? And I’m like, okay, okay. He’s like, so you didn’t listen to the first guy that told you to speak when I’m like, dude, I’m not going to Spencer’s to get a speed queen. He’s like, nananananana we got a company that we work with. They throw us business, we throw them business. They’ll cut you a deal. Just tell him the Dinos appliance and you tell him Maytag fucked you over. And they’ll make sure you get the good friend price. And I’m like, Okay, I’m listening. What’s the good friend price? Like, I don’t know. How about a ballpark? He’s like, well, he said depends on which when you get to 3000 to 5000 to 7000. They’re all over a grant. And I’m like, okay, you’re only talking a couple $100 more, but he’s like do the math dude. If you’re in placing these fucking things every 18 months, every two years every three years, and you can reliably get 20 years out of speaking He’s like, how many of these are going to replace talking about being money ahead, Mike Yeah, I know. I know. I know. He’s like, just give him a call. Find out what your options are then call Maytag and find out if you can get them to send you the parts they can send you the parts will come out and we’ll fix the other one even buy a new one. So get the parts if you can get it for warranty. We’ll come out we’ll fix the other one. You can sell it on Craigslist. For 100 bucks on Craigslist you can get 400 bucks out of it’s 18 months old man I just had the most problematic part change that thing oh shit That sounds like a really good deal to me that sounds pretty good and 400 bucks back if I can sell this thing on Craigslist or whatever right? So I call up our buddies over at Mesa appliance and TV. And the apparently the retail MSRP on the 7000 series which has the seven year warranty is 1499 which is 1500 bucks. It’s like the first guy told me but the good deal price for dinos customers is 1149 and I’m going okay well listen there’s a no brainer here. I’m going to go ahead and get one of these guys for running to have one I’m going to get one. I’m gonna have it replaced and I’m going to try to repair the other one and sell it or I’ll sell it for parts they listen I can tell you exactly what’s wrong with it. I still want 300 bucks because everything else is practically brand new. You want to put you know you want to replace something else. Great do it but this is being sold as is where is right? So I have a bunch of options. So now we’re back to the other problem. How did I get that? Another new machine in that laundry room when there’s no room to get it in. The answer is something disgusting. The reason that I cannot get anything in and out of that laundry room is because the only opening to the outside passes through the kitchen. And in the kitchen, there is a very expensive countertop. It’s blocking about four inches of space that are necessary to get anything big in and out of that room. So what are your options here? So right now and that is a doorway, I thought, Well listen, maybe I can take the door off. Maybe that would give me the space. take the door off. Nope, not enough space. Well, shit. What if I take the door frame off, that’s a couple of inches right there. We got to be able to make room there. Took the door frame off, measure it out. Nope, you’re still short about three inches, two inches, three inches to get something out of there. Son of a bitch. So I started demoing my wall. So what’s crazy about that is that that wall on the kitchen side is a regular wall. On the other side of that wall However, it’s an exterior wall. So it’s got like chicken wire and stucco and all this other shit that would normally have been here because that used to be an exterior wall to the carport. So I ended up demoing out three or four inches took out the reinforcement for the for the doorway, the doorway arched door. And once I knocked out a bunch of drywall back, I was then I was then within spec, my measurements say I can get a washer out of there. And so of course I tested it on Captain solo I’m sorry, Captain Maytag, and took the old one through there. And it was tight, but she came out then I’m like great. So now I’m ready to go to get my new speed Queen washer, which came today at 1245. So my wife is in frantically washing clothes that have backed up and just this last week, because let’s be honest, your washer doesn’t go out. We are all caught up on laundry. Your washer goes out when you’re starting to catch up on your laundry. And so my poor kid had like piles and piles of clothes. It was terrible. Poor Brian. Anyway, so the washing machine, the washing machine saga continued and now I am on the recommended by multiple people speed Queen with a seven year bumper to bumper that pretty much is is not guaranteed. But based on everything you will read all the research you do on your own. You’ll find out these are 2025 year washers. So I’m very excited about that. Unfortunately, we lost a little bit of space on the inside because it’s got an agitator, which Listen, you pay the price, right? You want reliable washing machines, you got to get rid of the you got to get rid of the gimmicks and having an agitator list washer, let’s be honest, has always been a gimmick so and it’s a top loader, not a front loader, for those of you who are curious. So that ends my washer tail you’re now caught up with my dead washer story. I’m going to save the switch OLED for another video I’ve got a couple of other short topics to talk about. And recently and if you can get your hands on these, God bless you. And then the shoe line the shoe company released for the Halloween season, a series of four different horror themed high top Vance. This included Nightmare on Elm Street, it included, included the shining and included Stephen King’s it and I think there was one other one but 80 bucks a pair which isn’t crazy for tennis shoes, I mean quality tennis shoes are expensive for those of you new buy quality tennis shoes, you know, I buy a new pair of running shoes by every every year, every other year, depending on how much running or walking I’m doing. And those end up being 90 100 120 bucks. So more quality shoes are gonna pay the penalty. So when I saw these hit, right, so I saw a news article that hit that they were announced. And then I got another article while I was in the hot tub with my wife. I saw another article saying they were released. And here’s where you get them. And I was looking at those shining ones going. I need it. I need it. I don’t like high tops. I’m not really a big Vance fan because I have flat feet and I need our support advanced do not have that. So I really mean basically a good cause cosmetic pair of shoes for 80 bucks and my wife’s like, dude, just buy him, you know, just buy him. You know, there’s not going to be around. You know, if you hesitating you think about it, and tomorrow you try to buy them they’re all gonna be gone. I don’t know maybe probably who knows. Let’s just buy a pair. And I’m like, fine, I’ll buy a pair. And so I was putting my cart I’m like, you know, Brian’s birthday is coming up. You think you’d be pissed that I got a pair and he didn’t think that’d be a good birthday gift to get him. A pair of The Shining high cops say Just do it. Like gas on rainy box you shouldn’t just do it just buy it. Just buy it they’re gonna be gone and you’re not gonna get any he’s gonna see yours he’s gonna love them he’s gonna want a pair even if he has to pay for him with his own money and then you’re gonna be able to get in, you’re gonna be gone. Like fine so I put I bought two pairs to have them delivered. And I posted some pictures on Twitter blah, blah blah. So sure enough, sure enough, within less than a week, sold out everywhere. And they’re going for 180 plus on eBay. What kind of bull you know what I’m so sick of everybody turning every limited release into a big giant fucking cash grab it pisses me off. So it sounds cool. If you really want that cool yellow pair of high tops, you might get lucky and find if you’re an oddball size you might be able to get one from somewhere otherwise plan on spending a shitload of money on eBay for them. But I thought that they’re very cool looking Listen, I like them they’re very cool. But it’s just another example of limited release items being sucked down by people who aren’t enjoying them or using them and are turning around scalping them for double the money that they paid for them it’s just shitting speaking of shitty I’m going to sign off with one more story which is completely tragic and what makes it even more tragic is that it was completely preventable so as you know my mother in law lives in town here I mean it’s not really in town it’s still a 40 minute drive on the outskirts of Peoria so if I want to go to her house it’s a drive it’s not like it used to be going to northern or southern California to get to see her but you know it’s it’s still a it’s still a drive and her sister my aunt in law these these gets convoluted here if we if we go too much deeper here but my my aunt I’m just gonna say aunt and mother okay and know that I’m talking in laws on both my and lives closer to her than I do. Then we do my wife and I live. And so when my mother in law, my mother goes out of town for business, which is about once a month, couple times every couple of months. She has two little dogs with a morkie and ones like a monkey poo or chalky or whatever the hell it is more Maltese poop Mark I don’t know what it is. It’s like a it’s more poodle than anything. But speaking of marquees you can hear barking in the background. So when she goes out of town, she takes her two dogs over to her sister’s house, the aunt’s house, and they watch over the dogs because they have dogs too. And they’re around all the time. One of the one of the family members is retired, the other one’s home a lot and so there’s always somebody around and you know, it’s just better than that for the dogs and to be in a kennel where they’re closed up. I get it, you know, it’s closer than us. My wife has always said you need somebody leave the dogs with our two dogs love your two dogs and we enjoy having them for the week or whatever. But listen, the ants, the sisters houses closer, and I get it. Just wanna drive all the way down here whatever. few months back, the aunt, the sister, my mother in law’s sister, my aunt gets a stray she picks up a stray from the pound or something. And it’s this pretty good size German Shepherd. Mix. I don’t know it’s not a pitbull, but it’s a it’s a it’s mostly German Shepherd. But there’s a little something else in there. I’ve been around German Shepherds all my life. And I know what pure German Shepherds look like and who’s not. She’s not whatever, that dog is not a pure German Shepherd. There’s something else mixed in there. Don’t know what but something. So they got this dog months and months ago, and the dog has shown excessive aggression. That’s aggression against other dogs, aggression against people. aggression against dogs that are bigger things that there should be a red flag going up that maybe maybe this dog doesn’t, doesn’t belong with families with small children, which my aunt does not have. But small animals, dogs, cats have a cat their dogs, maybe, maybe, maybe that dog needs to be in a single family home with no other animals and not be exposed to children. Right? That’s what you do with dogs that are red flag is you you know, you take them somewhere. You take them somewhere where they can be evaluated. They’re evaluated, they’re given some sort of a rating. I guess I don’t I’m not an expert here. Maybe somebody knows more about this than I do, but they’re given some sort of a rating. And that should help you decide what sort of family these dogs should be homed in. And so this dog has never had one of those. But over the course of the last several months, there have been numerous cases of the dog Dog being aggressive and in fact trying to drown one of the other dogs in the pool attacking a larger Pitbull that the signs are there you there’s this is not this is not a safe family daughter and so my mother in law was understanding of most of these incidents although I think my my aunt may have hit a couple of those from her initially but listen nobody wants to believe their dog is is you know not safe nobody wants to believe their dog could ever do anything wrong listen you listen to these Pitbull owners they’ll all teach the sweetest dog wouldn’t hurt anybody. Next thing you know it tears some baby’s throat out. And they’re all going Oh, I didn’t see this coming. So you’ve got a dog that’s bred to be aggressive like that. And you’re wondering, I never did anything before. Yeah, never does anything before until it kills your baby, or kills the neighbor’s kid or kills the neighbor’s cat. There’s never it’s never there’s never a problem until there is and that’s the sort of thing that sort of happened here. There was no problem until there was and you know not to drag the story out too long. But I get a call last Thursday so a week ago my my wife calls me and says you need to go pick up Bentley. It’s one of my mother in law’s dogs from the aunt’s house. And I’m like, okay, is Dipper with him? My picking them both up what’s going on? Lisa maybe got an emergency call or the end got some sort of an emergency or something. She had to go out of town. So she couldn’t she didn’t want to leave the dogs with somebody else. I don’t know. I don’t have any details. Other than my wife said you need to go get Bentley. And I’m like, okay, like right now. And she goes if you can, it’s the middle of the work that and I’m like, okay, something so what’s going on. And my wife tells me that the ants dog killed the other dog. Like, killed, like, latched on to the dog’s throat and killed the dog. like not even a scrap that ended up with a dog that was critically wounded that went to the vet. And my mother in law got to say her last goodbyes before they said, there’s not much we can do. There’s so much pain we need to put in that night. Like, in the middle of the room. Just kill the dog out right. And I don’t know if we’ll ever get a real story of what happened. Apparently, my, my mother in law leaves the dogs with something personal a blanket or a bag of some sort. I don’t remember what it was. But something that made the dogs feel safe where they were. And supposedly, the German Shepherd got a little close to the bag. And little the smaller dog growled or leg made some sort of menacing approach. And the other dog quote defended itself and killed the dog. And so I went up there to get the remaining dog because obviously, that’s not what we want that dog to be up there in that environment anymore. But you know, it’s one of those things where you know, and listen, I I’m upset, because I like that I love that little dog too. And I this is one of those things that could totally be prevented, man. I mean, this was a highly preventable, it’s not like she didn’t have options of what to do with her dogs, we would have taken the dogs and we could have bought the dogs could have been born. I mean, there was a million different things. But you know, it all came to him. It all came to a very bloody head and unfortunately the end result was was very, very tragic and unfortunate. All around. But it’s one of those situations where it’s like, people don’t believe their animals will do crazy shit. You know, if you if you raise the dog from a puppy, you’ve got some, some Providence you’ve got some history you understand, you know what the dog has done, you know what it grew up around, you know what it will tolerate. I had a cat that would not tolerate babies we had to get rid of it when my wife had her baby. So you know there’s, you understand if you breed you know, if you get a dog or somebody from from an early, early age, that you have some idea what’s going on you buy you get a stray, which Listen, I’m glad people are picking up strays and not buying boutique dogs but you gotta you gotta say to yourself, I gotta be responsible of where this dog is going to be. And if you’re getting these breeds, listen German Shepherds. purebred German Shepherds anyway are not there. They are protective, but they’re not aggressive. You know, you can get story after story about pitbulls. They are aggressive dogs they are bred to be that way. And you know, you can’t you can’t just say because it hasn’t killed a baby yet doesn’t mean it won’t and sometime in the future. All these tragic stories come from Pitbull owners that the dogs have never ever wants done anything aggressive, until one thing makes them snap and they’re killing children and babies and other dogs. But anyway, I’m not here to rag on pitbulls But my point is is this was a preventable thing. And you know, they they is it might answer fault that the dogs is dead. Is it? Is it my mother’s fault for continuing to put her dogs in, quote, harm’s way? I don’t know. For me, I’m staying out of the political part of it. The part that I wanted to bring to you guys and to talk to my listeners about was, you know, responsible dog ownership man, I mean, you’re you’re gonna buy it if you buy an aggressive breeder you buy an unknown animal that you have no idea of its provenance You don’t know anything about it. You’ve got to be careful and when it starts exhibiting behaviors you need to act on the behaviors don’t treat as a one off incident. Or if you treat it as a one off incident treat it as a to offer three offer a four off incident. You know what I mean? Let’s Let’s be responsible. Let’s let’s do the right thing here. You know, a dog probably needs to be rehabbed and my guess if I had to take a guess, because I have personal experience here. That dog was probably cross bred with something. Something else that that probably not a pit bull, but maybe a wolf. I know that sounds crazy. Who the hell is crossbreeding German Shepherds with Wolves? common thing, look it up. So I’ll give you a story. And this is how I actually know all about crossbred wolves in German Shepherds. Because I had a neighbor with one back in Idaho when I was just a kid, like, I must have been 11 years old. 10 1112, somewhere in that vein, and there was a family that lived down the road, rode my bike past their house, like every day waved at the family dog came out and greeted me I pet the dog. Dog was great. A dog never had a problem. Love the dog Actually, I went down to visit the dog sometimes just because the dog was cool. Well, at some point in time, the dog had puppies. And so I stayed clear the house. I mean, I didn’t go visit. I didn’t go to the house, you know? And they’re like, yeah, we’d love to have you over but she had puppies. We don’t want anybody over here. It’s like Yeah, no, no, no, no, no, no need to explain. We’re good. But I still rode by the house going to somebody else. Another friend’s house. I didn’t stop by to see the dog but I wrote by the house. One day I rode by the house. The dog was out in the front yard. The owner was on the front yard I waved said hi and I just continued writing. So I’m I’m probably maybe an eighth to a quarter mile away from the house on dirt road I remember vividly and I hear something behind me. This is when we weren’t all wearing earphones all the time. Hashtag no more air pods. So I heard something behind me I turned around and the dog is following me she’s just kind of doing that sort of dog Loki animals. You can tell she’s a little smile on her face. All friendly looking. And I’m like, I’m like What are you doing here? Go home. Go home. I wasn’t you know I didn’t I didn’t say anything you said go home. The dog looked up to me. Bit my leg. I mean jump jumped right into my five. Not a growl, not a bark, chomped her teeth into my leg into the my needy thigh. I was skinny at the time. So I really have a meaty thigh that one bit me. And she just turned right around. No more ground. No grounding, no barking. turned around, looked off like nothing ever happened. So I go home, I got a bloody leg. I got big teeth marks in my leg. My mom’s freaking out. What happened? What happened? told her she went down and talked to the talk to the neighbor. You know, I told her what happened? I don’t know what I don’t know, whatever. I don’t think they probably get anything to the dog or not. I don’t even remember All I remember is getting bit on the leg unprovoked, a quarter mile from the frickin house. And that was one of those situations where this was a German Shepherd wolf hybrid. And, you know, listen, they’re out in the middle of nowhere. I mean, this was Carrie what Idaho for crying out loud. We were almost a mile from that house. Any neighbors so far away? I could get thinking they didn’t have any kids. Right? You know, so it’s like, they were being good dog owners. They thought there wasn’t anybody nearby that kept a close eye on the dog. They didn’t have any kids. They didn’t have any small other small animals. They were doing the right thing. And this this, this wolf dog out of nowhere, just became highly aggressive. And I don’t know what out to this day. I don’t even know what the hell’s going on. I wasn’t in between her puppies. I didn’t act I mean, I wasn’t acting in an aggressive manner. I don’t know that the dog just out of nowhere decided he needed to follow me and bite my ass before it moved on. So there you go. All right, you’ve had almost 70 minutes to show you’ve had enough. Peace and Love after October 21. No more shows of 70 minutes in duration peace and love, peace and love. I hope you enjoyed the show. As always appreciate tuning in those of you live especially thank you for contributing This is Shane R. Monroe with Pastor she radio and we’ll see you next time. Take care everybody
Passenger Seat Radio Episode 2021-10-21
